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Mohammad Mazhar Hussain
Mohammad Mazhar Hussain

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AI And The Route To What’s Good For Humanity


The article highlights the importance of ensuring equitable access to artificial intelligence (AI) technology as it continues to evolve. Gregory Francis, the CEO of Access, a global policy advisory firm, emphasizes the need for governments to take a proactive approach in addressing the disparity between the privileged few who embrace new technologies and the masses who yearn for their benefits.

Francis stresses that with the advent of artificial general intelligence (AGI), it is crucial for governments to establish guiding principles that promote inclusive access to this cutting-edge technology. He cautions against a scenario where a few dominant players monopolize the benefits of AI, urging for a unified global approach akin to efforts in environmental protection and tax governance.

The article also underscores the value of human capital in driving AI innovation, advocating for investments in training and digital literacy. Francis emphasizes the need for corporations to support government initiatives with expertise, regulation, and empathy towards consumers.

To foster collaboration between businesses and policymakers, Francis calls for mutual flexibility and experimentation, rather than rigid demands. He suggests that governments strategically choose which tech domains to engage with, noting that investing in the creative sector could yield quicker returns than focusing on complex infrastructure.

The article serves as a reminder that the potential of AI to benefit all nations may remain unrealized without a concerted global effort. By following the guiding principles outlined by Francis, governments can work towards ensuring equitable access to this transformative technology and unlock its full potential for the betterment of humanity.


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