Why use MechCloud AWS AI Agent?
There are multiple tools which you can use to manage AWS infrastructure. These tools are either general purpose IaC tools (e.g. terraform, opentofu, crossplane, pulumi), which work across providers, or specific to a cloud provider (e.g. cloudformation, cdk for AWS).
At MechCloud we are doing things differently which are difficult to find elsewhere. While the complexity of managing cloud infrastructure with general purpose IaC or cloud provider specific tools is increasing day by day, we are working towards making it simple for anyone who wants to manage their AWS infrastructure without learning a number of cli tools or SDKs or something else.
With MechCloud, you need not to worry about installing a tool and upgrading it from time to time. Also there is no pain of upgrading providers from time to time which in case of terraform is a maintenance nightmare.
MechCloud integration with AWS works without storing AWS API credentials and so you need not to worry about your AWS API credentials leaking from MechCloud resulting in a huge AWS bill. You will need to configure MechCloud IdP as an identity provider in AWS in order to make this integration work without AWS API credentials. Instructions for same can be found here.
This blog post describes the prompts which one can use to manage AWS EC2 resources (vpc, subnet, vm etc) using MechCloud AI Agent for AWS.
This agent now has support for the following ec2 operations (this list will be updated from time to time as we add support for more operations) -
Creating a vpc
Listing vpcs
Creating a subnet
Listing subnets
Listing instances types (e.g. t2.micro)
Provisioning one or more ec2 VMs
Starting/stopping one or more ec2 VMs
Supported operations
Creating a vpc
Required permissions
- ec2:CreateVpc
Prompt examples
create a vpc with '' cidr
Listing vpcs
Required permissions
- ec2:DescribeVpcs
Prompt examples
list all the vpcs
list all the vpcs which are not default
Creating a subnet
Required permissions
- ec2:CreateSubnet
Prompt examples
create a subnet with '' cidr
Listing subnets
Required permissions
- ec2:DescribeSubnets
Prompt examples
list all the subnets
list all the subnets which are not default
list all the subnets under '<vpc_id>' vpc
Describe instance types (e.g t2.micro)
Prompt examples
list all the instance types which are free tier eligible
Provisioning more or more ec2 VMs
Prompt examples
Provision an ec2 vm with following details -
subnet id - <subnet id>
ami id - <ami id>
instance type - t2.micro
min count - 1
max count - 1
Starting/stopping one or more ec2 VMs
Prompt examples
Start ec2 vms with following ids -
<vm1 id>
<vm2 id>
Stop ec2 vms with following ids -
<vm1 id>
<vm2 id>
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