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How I Built a Food Ecommerce Restaurant with Next.js, Paystack and Medusa

Noble Okechi on January 05, 2023

Food restaurants remain one of the best lucrative businesses around the world. They get patronage on a daily basis without being much affected by a...
andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Beautiful design and a great tech stack!

nobleokechi profile image
Noble Okechi

Thank you!

nicklasgellner profile image
Nicklas Gellner

Also really like the frontend work in this one!

nobleokechi profile image
Noble Okechi

Thank you!

reacthunter0324 profile image
React Hunter

Great Project!

nobleokechi profile image
Noble Okechi

Thank you!

latoadeoye profile image

Happy to have met an indepth treatment of e-commerce website dev. It's awesome.

nobleokechi profile image
Noble Okechi

Thank you!

femi_akinyemi profile image
Femi Akinyemi

Well Written🙌

nobleokechi profile image
Noble Okechi

Thank you!

aranouski profile image
Artsiom B

Looks really powerful. I saw the same solution, but with pre-build templates and node js . Do you meet any kind of problems connecting to Stripe plugin.

nobleokechi profile image
Noble Okechi

No, it's quite simple also. You can learn how to do that from this documentation

herbert_clark_c8824b6b00f profile image
Herbert Clark

Building a food eCommerce platform with Next.js, Paystack, and Medusa is a great approach for creating a seamless user experience. Similarly, in the food and beverage industry, having the right tools, like an ice maker, is essential for delivering quality service. For more information on reliable ice-making equipment to support your business, check out

glebario_85 profile image
Glebario • Edited

Looks good! But medusa have one flaw because for product needs option. For food it is inconvenient because food products rarely have any options. As far as I can see, you got out of this situation by adding the option - stub (option: Normall)? + for products need add inventory when in restaurant business it does not need
Image description

dnim profile image
Sergey Korsik

Looks tasty!

Btw, small question - are the code chunks not syntax highlighted for styling metters? I mean it can put a bit more readability to the code, imho ;)