
Cover image for Install Nexus Repository Manager in Linux Centos7, Deploy and Use 'artifacts
Sadhan Sarker
Sadhan Sarker

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Install Nexus Repository Manager in Linux Centos7, Deploy and Use 'artifacts

Step 1: Login to your Linux server and update the yum packages. Also install required utilities.

yum update -y
sudo yum install wget -y
java -version
sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 -y
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Step 2: Download the latest nexus. You can get the latest download links fo for nexus from here.

cd /opt
sudo wget -O latest-unix.tar.gz
tar -xvzf latest-unix.tar.gz
sudo mv nexus-3* nexus
mv sonatype-work nexusdata
ls -lh
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Step 3: Set User/Permissions and Configurations

useradd --system --no-create-home nexus
chown -R nexus:nexus /opt/nexus
chown -R nexus:nexus /opt/nexusdata
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Edit /opt/nexus/bin/nexus.vmoptions file

vi /opt/nexus/bin/nexus.vmoptions
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Edit nexus.rc file.

vi /opt/nexus/bin/nexus.rc
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Uncomment run_as_user parameter and add new value.

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We need to modify the file.

vi /opt/nexus/etc/
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Change application-host= and port application-host=9081

Configure the open file limit of the nexus user.

vi /etc/security/limits.conf
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Add the below values to the file.

nexus - nofile 65536
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Step 4: Set Nexus as a System Service

Create the Systemd service file in /etc/systemd/system/.

sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/nexus.service
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Add the following contents to the unit file.

Description=Nexus Service

ExecStart=/opt/nexus/bin/nexus start
ExecStop=/opt/nexus/bin/nexus stop

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Manage Nexus Service, Execute the following command to add nexus service to boot.

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable nexus.service
systemctl start nexus.service
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Monitor the log file.

tail -f /opt/nexusdata/nexus3/log/nexus.log
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Check the running service port.

netstat -tunlp | grep 9081
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Show default login password.

cat /opt/nexusdata/nexus3/admin.password
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Deploy and Use Artifacts in Spring Boot Project

Create or Edit this ~/.m2/settings.xml file:

vi ~/.m2/settings.xml
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Update contents of the file.

<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

  <!--  unblock so that we can download artifacts from nexus repo  -->
      <name>Dummy mirror to override default blocking mirror that blocks http</name>

  <!--nexus server configuration-->

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Deploy jar or artifact to nexus server

  1. Now create a maven project. Open pom.xml file, and add this content inside project tag.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

  <!-- ...other  -->

  <!--  deploy libs to nexus repository -->
      <!--<name>Nexus Releases</name>-->
      <!--<name>Nexus Snapshot</name>-->

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Now hit the following command to deploy jar to nexus repository.

mvn deploy        
mvn deploy -e        
mvn deploy -e release

mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=nexus::default::
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Use and download jar/artifact from nexus server

  1. Now pull the jar file from nexus repository.

Makes sure ~/.m2/setting.xml file copied properly.

Now open pom.xml file and add this upload dependency inside dependencies tag.

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Then add this below content inside project tag.

  <!--to use nexus repositories we need that -->
      <!--<name>Nexus Releases</name>-->
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Using CLI, we can download the jar file from nexus repository.

mvn dependency:resolve -DremoteRepositories=nexus::default:: 
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Note: Here id nexus is the same as in ~/.m2/settings.xml file. so use same it to download the jar file.


Upload blob file to nexus repository.

curl -v --user 'admin:admin123' --upload-file ./test.png http://localhost:9081/repository/documentation/test.png
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I hope we learn something exciting about Nexus. Thanks for time & passion. Feel free to ask me anything.

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