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The Future of Coding is 'No Code'

Mark Vassilevskiy on December 04, 2021

What's in your mind when you think about building some sort of Startup or App. Probably, your answer will be is to create a plan, deal with UX/UI a...
emil profile image

Remember the days when people use Dreamweaver and all kinds of software to do html pages? Is it still there? So no code is mostly a hypetrain. Complex software cannot be replaced by nocode. Maybe simple project do

acenji_nocode profile image

The technology is here today to allow to replace about 80% of the buggy and repeated software out there. History will repeat itself.
The same way Gutenberg press revolutionized sharing of information, the NoCode movement will transform how ideas are implemented digitally.
Just look how cars are made today vs 100 years ago. Yes, there are only few cars manufactures left and maybe 0.05% custom car makers/sleepers but people do not care , they use it to drive from point A to point B.
Cyber security inside NoCode can be reduced to almost zero and production ready complex workflows can be done . How do I know it: because i built a tool like that already. The idea of the tool was to create applications that can recognize and talk to each other in the same system up and down and share information in real time between applications and users.
Complex Software is Not NP problem!

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

Yeah, as I said, you can use it as a tool that will help you to build the main part of your website, and then customize by yourself. It will exponentially increase your productivity

rammina profile image

The future of coding is developers fixing issues that arise from no-code software.

More work for us.

bobdotjs profile image
Bob Bass

I appreciate the sentiment but I worked as an automation specialist before working as a software engineer. It was cool, I used a lot of Zapier, Integromat, Airtable, and other no-code tools.

But no matter how robust these tools are, and many of them are incredible - nothing will convince me that no-code will replace code in any 'real' way.

For starters, you still need technical people to use these tools and there are plenty of times where you can't do exactly what you want to do.

Also, Webflow is cool but it's far from cheap when you can host an app on Firebase for free. It's possible that these tools will become customizable enough that they can support more use cases but it seems like we're very far from that being the case.

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

Yeah, you're right. It's a topic that needs additional thinking. And as I said earlier, No-Code tools won't replace real coding, it will just make some tasks easier, however, there're many pitfalls

asafigan profile image
Andrew Safigan

My biggest problem with all the "no code" platforms I have looked at is the lack of robust CI/CD features. Some things that I would expect like automated testing, "no code" reviews, and somethings even environments and rollback weren't there. These platforms always seemed like a huge risk for companies. Especially when you start looking at the cost.

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

You're right, a company or even a group of small Startuppers won't use these tools. However, as i said, it can be useful if you want to build a landing page or site portfolio.

mindplay profile image
Rasmus Schultz

Two things:

  1. These tools are popular because too many startups are churning out very similar, unoriginal apps - for which these tools are perfect.

  2. The market is already flooded with these apps - pretty soon, it will be so saturated that users are likely to stop caring about new apps at all.

I'm actually surprised we didn't get there already, the way to market works - it's a wonder users haven't seen through this yet, but the large majority of new apps are just clones of one or more existing apps, maybe tailored for a niche, if even that, and then you top it off with an expensive marketing campaign.

Well, now they can spend almost nothing developing their useless products and invest everything in marketing instead. How long before users wake up and smell the coffee? 🤔

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

You’re right! Because of simplicity almost everybody can’t do their own startups, however, after they did it they will learn from it

oesso profile image
Joseph Osorio • Edited

I agree with some or most of the people replying. They're not much of a help using this no-code builders. It's difficult to try and code over, rewrite the code etc. It will only make your code uglier. Now image Sass and no- code, does it make sense to work twice to reorganize everything 🤔. Plus if you know how to use flexbox and grid, JavaScript honestly you don't need a page builder because you can work as fast as you would using a page builder and have your file organized and be more efficient.

sokirill profile image

Funny enough, no-code made me go back to start learning to code again.

I mastered basic webflow, airtable, zapier just to realise these costs aggregate and the whole system is rather in-flexible.

Its great for prototyping and mockups, landing pages but where it fails is when complexity kicks in and you need to be more flexible on various solutions such as dynamic apps and even data retrieval.

Not even mentioning the platform lock-in.

So the answer is easy, pick the right tool for the job...

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

Yeah, as you can see, there's another way how beginner can get into IT sphere. Just by understanding and creating, and only then code by themselves to customize things more

gtanyware profile image
Graham Trott

Thanks for the article. It's so important to avoid the "one size fits all" mentality. There's a huge range of software tools, with those for users at one end and those for toolmakers at the other. No Code sits towards the user end, while C, JS and Python are more suited to toolmakers (who might be using them to build No Code tools). In between there are products like SQL and AppleScript.

Only a novice or a fool believes that a single tool can do all jobs equally well. It requires experience to recognize the best tool to use for any given job, and a good engineer is always on the look out for better, more efficient ways of doing things rather than just reaching for the same screwdriver or hammer each time.

For me, warning bells start to ring when low-level coding tools are used to build high-level products such as UIs or to express business logic. Both invite the creation of products that are essentially unmaintainable; they rely too much on what was in the mind of the builder, which is seldom visible in the resulting code. These areas are where No Code scores right now, and as it matures its scope will no doubt expand.

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

Thanks for reply! I'm still coding with JS and Python, however, I use No-Code tools when I want to create some sort of landing page or as I said to make the easy part by this, so it will never fully replace coding, just and additional information that can be useful for you!

oesso profile image
Joseph Osorio

I agree. Fast food isn't the best quality haha

cyrstron profile image

No-code !== No-programming.

I doubt very much there's any way to express complex application logic without describing internal algorithms. And that's the most complex part of development, not coding itself.

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

Yeah, probabaly you can't use No-Code tools when you're trying to create a real Web-Application, however, in other cases when you just want to create, for example, landing page or site portfolio it gets really useful

denspec profile image

To create NoCode app you will need code

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

That's true :)

ironcladdev profile image
Conner Ow

There will always be programmers in the world, developing newer things, creating new software, and more.

No-Code tools are helpful at times, but you don't get that form of control over what you are making. You can do some operations, but you can't do all of them.

Do you think large companies like Google and Microsoft can survive without a single programmer?

I don't think so.

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

I tried to explain that No-Code tools can exponentially increase your productivity. You don't need to do every part of your website by these tools, only things that are suitable for this kind of task

So you're getting more time for creativity thinking rather than spend time on simple tasks

vladi160 profile image

Of course it is true. Every kind of soft and complexity can/will be created with nocode tools. May be not with the current, but the future one tools, but still needs some programmes to support these tools

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

Probably, in the future, there will be not any No-Code tools, because of exponentially growing AI sphere, where even Neural Network now can make some sort of design of front-end page

martinhaeusler profile image
Martin Häusler

Code (as in "formal text") is just a representation, a means to show things in a way that is easy to edit. I don't care if you use a graph editor or a workflow engine or whatever tools there are out there, you're still formalizing the thoughts in your head. You still need the core skills of a developer. Except that you're actually at a disadvantage now because nothing we've seen so far beats plain old text in terms of editing, at least for general purpose tasks. So what did you really gain in exchange?

So yeah, I'm open to new ideas, but I haven't seen anything really convincing in this direction so far.

azula profile image

No Code / Low code is a great "portal" to introduce more people to programming. It helps flood a wave of creativity, some of who start using it in ways the creators of the tools did not anticipate. These power users then try to extend the tools using APIs or SDKs and are gradually introduced to mainstream programming

for domain in DOMAINS:
    tool = introduce_no_code_tool()
    for u in power_users(tool):
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lionhedera profile image
The Hederan Lion

Lowcode/Nocode will open the floodgates to a wealth of new talents interested in programming, even though the tools itself will get refine and more sophisticated over time.
Just as the popularity of mainstream gaming has birthed countless new engineers, both network and software, developers, programmers, data science, cyber securities. Particularly the rise of new markets such as streaming and all the supporting elements and specialists.
For those feeling threatened by lowcode/nocode, they shouldn't be. Thats like saying high end/triple AAA games, in fact the best games will be replaced entirely by Godot and Unity Playmaker. Its not going to happen, probably not even close. But it will be a waste of opportunity for professional developers to not take advantage of lowcode/nocode apps to increase their overall efficiency.

ksengine profile image
Kavindu Santhusa

Nocode is far away

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

Depending on which point of view you look at. As you can see, there's already many no-code tools about which I talkd earlier about

ksengine profile image
Kavindu Santhusa

AI will be the future of no code tools

I had used many no code tools for web development. They made it a pain

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metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

Yeah, I'll mostly agree with you, and for people who knows how to code, No-Code tools. However, if you can use them right, you can build your projects much faster.

roccoluke profile image
Luke Rocco • Edited

Who will be developing these tools and what will they be using? 🤔 I do not agree that the future will be no-code, maybe more ai generated code.

I do agree though that for a standard site, maybe a startup selling a product or a service (not programming obviously 😁), no-code is the best option, but you still need to have someone with a bit of technical knowledge on board.

kerryconvery profile image
kerry convery

I haven't used no code tools before but how do ensure, in an automated way, that a change doesn't break something in your site/app? Do we still need ui tests and integration tests for example when integrating your app with external services or are these things a non-issue with no code tools?

amithshahs profile image
Amit Shah

Much of the information you share is for developers, which is very useful to me.

Thanks for sharing useful informaiton.

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

No Problem, bro! I'm trying to help folks like you

panumas77 profile image
Panumas Wiriyachaikit

Yes, Thanks. I will try.☺️❤️👍

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

Alright! I hope you get what’s you want