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Reasoning 1 - Contextual Conversion

Contextual Conversion: A Technical OverviewLet's begin by examining how to perform contextual conversion technically, with an initial example:πŸ“Œ "I walk in the morning"You can break the above sentence into different parts (modules) as follows:

  • 🧩 I walk + in the morning

  • 🧩 I + walk + in the morning

  • 🧩 I + walk + in + the morning

  • 🧩 I + walk + in the + morning

  • 🧩 I + walk + in + the + morning

The more parts we can divide the sentence into, the deeper (more complete) the contextual conversion will be.Realistic ConnectionsEach meaning of "I", "walk", "in", "the", "morning" must be connected to reality:

  • "I" πŸ‘‰ connected to yourself, a friend, or someone else

  • "walk" πŸ‘‰ connected to the act of moving your feet towards a destination

  • "in" πŸ‘‰ connected to a specific location

  • "morning" πŸ‘‰ connected to a specific time or atmosphere that characterizes "morning"

  • "day" πŸ‘‰ connected to a calendar or daily activities

Concurrentia Causalis - Beyond SynonymsNext, we find synonyms for "I", "walk", "in", "the", "morning" that are not just synonyms but exhibit concurrentia causalis (simultaneity of relationship, which I call "cc" - simultaneity of connection)."CC" FROM "I":

  • γ€° "I" has a "cc" with "effect" because there is simultaneity between "I" and "effect" in the sense that whenever there is "I", there is an "effect". It can't be said "after there is I, then the effect comes later". The existence of "I" and "effect" is simultaneous. When we realize late that "I" is the "effect", it does not mean they are not simultaneous but rather a delay in our perception. However, in reality, it is realized that "I" and "effect" are one.

Another example of "cc" ...

  • γ€° Lamp "cc" is "light"πŸ‘‰ If there is a lamp, there is light (even if it is not always on, the function of providing light exists in the lamp).

  • γ€° Book "cc" is "reading"πŸ‘‰ If there is a book, there is reading (even if it is not always read, the function of reading exists in the book).

  • γ€° Table "cc" is "place"πŸ‘‰ If there is a table, there is a place (even if it is not always used as a support, the function of providing a place exists in the table).


The perspective should also be noted, not to invalidate the simultaneity but rather to help refine it further.For example, the "cc" of "WATER" can be linked to "life", as water also has the function of giving life. However, the "cc" of "WATER" can also be linked to "flood". Does this mean that every time there is "water" there is always a "flood"? Not necessarily. However, by knowing its "cc", we can delve deeper into the "cc" of "flood", which is "puddle", making it clear that the deeper "cc" of "water" is "puddle". We can further search for the "cc" of "puddle", which is "wet", thus the "cc" of "water" is "wet".We continue to trace the "cc" (concurrentia causalis - simultaneity) of a meaning until we realize that its "cc" is truly simultaneous with the original meaning.

Interconnectedness. If different meanings have different "cc", but form an action-reaction with a different final result, then the final result needs to be found for its "cc".Example: sugar water = "water" + "sugar"

  • γ€° The "cc" of "water" might be "wet" and the "cc" of "sugar" is "sweet". Then the "cc" of "wet" + "sweet" = "thick". Thus, we need to find the "cc" of "thick" to become the "cc" not of each "water" and "sugar" but the combined "cc" of "water" + "sugar".

Once the "cc" of each meaning is known, we will know...

  • 1⃣ Which part of the meaning connects with other meanings and what happens if they are separated.

  • 2⃣ We will also be able to see a new understanding based on the "cc" of the initial understanding.

  • πŸ‘‰ In simple terms, we can uncover deeper insights behind simple statements.

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