DEV Community

Michał Wierzgoń
Michał Wierzgoń

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Chapter 1


Hello, fellow developers and enthusiasts! I'm thrilled to share with you the journey of my most ambitious portfolio project to date – Zušflix. As a junior developer, I wanted to push myself beyond my comfort zone and create something that would not only challenge my existing skills but also help me grow and learn new ones. Thus, the idea of Zušflix, a video catalog for local music school concerts, was born.

Why Zušflix?

The inspiration behind Zušflix is twofold. Firstly, as a music enthusiast myself, I recognized the need for an easily accessible platform to watch and enjoy local music school concerts. Teachers, students, and parents often face challenges in accessing these performances, and I wanted to simplify this process. Secondly, as a junior developer, I sought to enhance my full-stack development skills and gain experience in building a real-world application.

Project Overview

Zušflix is designed to be a sleek and modern platform, reminiscent of the popular streaming service Netflix. It aims to provide a user-friendly interface for browsing and watching music school concert videos. With a robust backend and intuitive features, it offers an engaging and seamless experience for users.

Key Features

  • Modern User Interface: We've paid close attention to aesthetics and usability, creating an interface that is both visually appealing and intuitive. The Netflix-inspired design provides a familiar and engaging experience for users.

    • Comprehensive Video Catalog: Zušflix offers a vast library of concert videos, neatly organized and easily searchable, ensuring users can conveniently access and enjoy performances.
  • Secure Auth Page: We've implemented a secure authentication system to protect user privacy. This ensures that only authorized individuals can access the video content, adding a layer of security to the platform.

  • Admin Capabilities: The admin panel empowers administrators to manage the video catalog effectively. They can easily add, edit, or delete video entries, keeping the content fresh and well-organized.

  • Google Driven: Videos are uploaded on Google Drive, providing reliable and secure hosting, efficient video streaming, and storage.

Technologies Used

  • NextJS: Lightning-fast server-side rendering and static site generation.
  • SQL PostgreSQL: Flexible database for video metadata management.
  • React: Reusable components for a consistent and responsive UI.

The Journey Begins

In this first blog post, I've outlined the project's inception, goals, and key features. Join me in the next part as I delve into the initial project setup, my experience with NextJS, and getting Zušflix up on GitHub.

Chapter's 1 blueprint:


  • Basic project setup.
  • Familiarize myself with NextJS.
  • Upload the project to GitHub.

Next Steps:

  • Find a Tailwind UI kit for components without dependencies.
  • Create a responsive layout and sticky menu.
  • Start implementing the UI with dummy data.

Let's embark on this exciting adventure together!

Happy coding!

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