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Cover image for Spell It Out: spelling out tech acronyms, abbreviations and word shortenings
Michael Lee 🍕
Michael Lee 🍕

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Spell It Out: spelling out tech acronyms, abbreviations and word shortenings

Have you ever been in a situation where a colleague, speaker or organizer in the tech industry used an acronym as if everyone knew what it meant? Did you feel like you were the only one who wasn't in the know because you didn't know what it meant?

Yeah, I've been in that situation far too many times. Although I've been in the tech industry for many years, there has been many times where I didn't know what an acronym meant. Heck I still run into acronyms to this day that still puzzle me.

It's for this reason I created Spell It Out. A site that spells out acronyms, abbreviations and word shortenings often used in the tech industry.

Would love for the dev community to check it out and if there are any abbreviations you see missing from the glossary, suggest it in the comments below or on the site's form :)

Top comments (39)

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited


Can you possibly replace that animation on the front page with an actual webform that automatically searches your glossary? (Mess with the JS a little bit, and you can probably still have it animate like that until someone clicks it.)

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Great suggestion Jason! Will look into that tonight.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


Come to mind

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

These are great! Thanks Ben 👍

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Hell yeah! This is awesome! Love the simplicity it.

Would love an autocomplete search if that's not asking for too much?

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Thanks @andy ! It is definitely on the list of things to add :)

Thanks for checking it out. Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see or any acronyms I'm missing.

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Hmm how about REPL and REST? I'm sure I have more but I can't think of any right now...

Thread Thread
michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Boom! Added REPL and REST. Thanks for the suggestions :)

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Ohhh man, I love this so much!

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Thanks Jess!!! Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to make it better.

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him) • Edited

Just thought of a few more:
iOS (not sure if this really counts)

Some of these are not really well known, I think (like IDOR).
Certificate Authority Authorization
Cross Site Request Forgery
(Distributed) Denial of Service
Domain Message Authentication Reporting & Conformance
Domain Name System
Internet Explorer
Insecure Direct Object Reference
(iPhone Operating System?)
Microsoft Disk Operating System
Operating System
Server-side Request Forgery
Cross Site Scripting

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Whoa learned a few new ones. Thanks Andy! They should be online now.

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him) • Edited

Oh also AFK, BRB, and WFH :)

Away from keyboard
Be right back
Work(ing) from home

And nice search form! I think a cool next step would be to add in "Submit an acronym" if there are no results listed.

Oh, I just realized; should I be using your submit form instead?

Thread Thread
michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Added (AFK), added (BRB) and added (WFH). I've been also trying to add credit to folks who submit new acronyms. I linked it to your Twitter if that's ok.

Added. Also thanks :) Your feedback has been awesome Andy!!! Keep them coming.

Feel free to use whatever channel works for you :) I've been keeping track everywhere.

Thread Thread
andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Awesome, thanks! Twitter works :)

geoff profile image
Geoff Davis

This is awesome. Was thinking about this when on IRC, and seeing some library-specific acronyms; for a seasoned dev, it's trivial to parse through what a comment is saying. For a beginner, they may have no idea.

Great site!

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Thanks a lot Geoff for checking out the site :) I just included IRC cause you mentioned it in the comment above.

Definitely a reason why I created Spell It Out, since in different contexts we will find ourselves as "beginners" and don't know what an acronym means.

Let me know if you can think of any other acronyms or if you have any other suggestions.

geoff profile image
Geoff Davis

I actually already submitted a few, and will do so if I come across some tricky ones 👍

atyborska93 profile image
Angelika Cathor


I just submitted MR (like PR but on GitLab), KISS and IR.

I wish I had this website when people at my new job were talking about using a CV library and I was scratching my head as to why they work with resumes when they should work with image recognition.

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Thanks Angelika! I saw those submissions and have just pushed it up :)

Would love to give you and other submitters credit. Should I credit you via your Twitter handle on Spell It Out?

Your CV example is exactly what I'm hoping Spell It Out can help folks avoid.

atyborska93 profile image
Angelika Cathor

Yes, you can credit me via my Twitter handle. Thanks!

rapasoft profile image
Pavol Rajzak

First thing I tried was clicking on the "animation" where I wanted to type my acronym. It would be cool to have something like this with auto-complete and "I feel lucky"-like hints. Version 2.0 maybe :)
Anyway, looks cool! :)

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Thanks Pavol! Seems to be a common feedback. So search will be the next thing to be implemented :)

peiche profile image

During one team meeting, the boss declared that we could not use any acronyms for the duration of the meeting. That was a hard meeting.

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Nice! Do you know why your boss made that decision and was there a positive outcome from it?

peiche profile image

If I recall correctly, it was around the time we'd just hired a new dev. Most of the acronyms we use are in reference to the websites we manage, so it was for clarity's sake. Once the new guy was used to the names, we reverted to using acronyms again. :)

domin profile image
Dominic Sears

AWS - Amazon Web Services

lfre profile image
Alfredo Lopez

I’d love to have soundbites for each one. I remember saying pee-and-gee for png files until I finally heard someone say Ping. Same goes for mysql, regex, etc.

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

That is a really good idea Alfredo :) Will keep this one in mind.

fafafava profile image

Great work man!

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕


wayfarer_youth profile image

Love this!

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Thanks Kristian!

markisundefined profile image

Good work!

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Thanks Mark!

oohsinan profile image
Omar Sinan

This is pretty neat, great job on the UI! :-)

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Thanks Omar!