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Teaching gf to code

I never thought this would be possible but today for the first time solid progress was made.

Previously I have taught her how to edit videos and upload them to Youtube and finally got her a laptop to explore Davinci Resolve (which kept crashing) then Premiere Pro (she enjoyed much more) then Photoshop which after Premiere she seemed to have fallen in love with redoing all her Youtube thumbnails.

Photo and video editing are great but the real money making skill is programming so after getting her comfortable with a laptop (her first laptop btw) PHP and Node.js hello world tutorials were top of mind. This was a mistake.

So I decided to do some digging and find a recent programming tutorials. I found "100 Days Of Code – The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp For 2021". The only python programming I have done is some really basic Scrapy scraping so at first was not sold but after seeing the next best decided a female instructor with solid reviews from a respectable boot camp is a better bet and copied the files to my phone so she can watch and code at the same time.

To my surprise and amazement python is really easy to learn with the help of Replit and she was able with relatively little help build the band name generator which also to my surprise she loved as a project (its just 2 inputs printed with a space between lol).

I should also add the night before we went to a developers night where she met real programmers (other than me) both male and female of all different levels and I think that really inspired her.

Now I feel the best thing I can do to support her is carrot/reward approach and as I think she would make a great data analyst very very gently steer her in that direction. Given her last job was a waitress at a hotel buffet pretty excited how it went today!

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