Easing the start at a new company with glab or gh
When I started at my fist software engineering job, I made my life harder than it had to be. The team already had many microservices and a lot of (NuGet) packages. They were organized neatly using GitLab's subgroups feature. This made it easier to find specific packages grouped by a domain specific usage.
Unfortunately, I started to clone those packages whenever my work required updating them. I'll be honest - this led to chaos in my local file system. In the end, I had two folders (microservices and NuGet packages) containing many repositories. Sometimes the subfolders followed the structure on GitLab. In most cases, they did not. It was quite messy and disorganized.
That's when I decided to clean it up and tried to find a way of organizing my folders quickly.
glab for gitlab
Gitlab has an official cli tool called glab. We can use this tool to clone all active repositories of a specific GitLab group via:
glab repo clone -g mygitlabgroup --include-subgroups --a=false --paginate
glab repo clone
Command to clone a repository -
-g mygitlabgroup
Group (mygitlabgroup) from which repositories will be cloned -
All repos within sub-groups of the group (mygitlabgroup) will be cloned -
Ignore archived repos -
All projects will be fetched
The last argument is important, because from my understanding, glab uses the GitLab API. Since the underlying response is paginated, it's very possible that we would miss a lot of repositories.
You can find more options for the git repo clone
command here: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cli/-/blob/main/docs/source/repo/clone.md
gh for GitHub
I wanted to look at another big platform that I use in my free time. GitHub does have a CLI-tool called gh.
Unfortunately, there is no option to clone all repositories of an organization. You can use a bash script for cloning:
repos=$(gh repo list organization --no-archived --json url --limit 999 | grep -oP '"url":"\K[^"]+')
for repo in $repos; do
echo $repo
gh repo clone $repo
gh repo list
List repositories owned by user/organization -
Exclude archived repositories -
--json url
Only return the repository url -
--limit 999
Maximum count of repos in response -
grep -oP '"url":"\K[^"]+'
Extract url -
gh repo clone $repo
Clone repository
Other solutions were discussed in this Stack Overflow thread: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46725688/how-to-clone-all-repos-including-private-repos-from-github
I hope this helps you get off to a faster start at your new job. It also can make the process of migrating to a new development laptop smoother by reducing the time spent on manual cloning and keeping things organized.
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