DEV Community

Milena Allaway
Milena Allaway

Posted on

Spill the tea ☕️

Hello Dev community! 👋
I’m Milena, an aspiring web developer. I’m enrolled to start my formal education this summer. I’m a former hairdresser and am super excited to make this career change. Any tips on what NOT to do? Or care to share any advice that you wish someone had told you when you were starting up?

Top comments (2)

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

Hi Milena.

I've been a full stack (Angular/C#) Web developer for a while now and I personally have found it to be an endless journey of learning. I think the most important pieces of advice to try to remember are:

  • Learning takes time. When I first started, there were times when I felt that everyone is the room knew more than me, and that there was so much that I didn't know. After all, there's both knowledge of programming, and domain knowledge of the field that you'll be working on. The curse of knowledge is that once you acquire it, you don't realise that you have it. If you ever think you don't know something, ask yourself what you know now that you didn't a week ago.

  • Don't be afraid to seek/receive feedback. If you submit a code review and there are comments, try to keep in mind that it's a chance to learn. You are the author of the code, but you are not the code. It will be an option to approach the problem from a different angle; it will (hopefully) not be a criticism of you. In the (unlikely) scenario that it is a personal criticism, find a more supportive team to work with.

  • Don't worry too much, and try to have fun.

Good luck!

milena_allaway profile image
Milena Allaway

This is great! Thank you so much.