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AI Chrome Extension - Web Summarizer & Translator - Your Essential Tool for Learning English


In the era of technology 4.0, learning English and accessing global information has become easier than ever thanks to the assistance of artificial intelligence (AI). One of the useful tools is the Chrome extension "Web Summarizer & Translator". This extension offers powerful features such as text summarization, translation, grammar correction, and pronunciation, helping users improve their English skills quickly and efficiently.

Link to GitHub repository

AI Web Summarizer & Translator

AI Assistance in Learning English

AI Web Summarizer & Translator

Accurate and Smooth Translation

Translating from English to other languages and vice versa often encounters many difficulties, especially with specialized terms or complex contexts. AI, with its natural language processing capabilities, has made translation more accurate and smoother.

Efficient Text Summarization

When accessing a large amount of information online, quickly summarizing the main content is essential. The summarization feature of this extension helps users grasp the core information without reading the entire text.

Automatic Grammar Correction

Writing with correct grammar is an important factor in English communication. AI helps users identify and correct grammatical errors automatically, thereby improving their writing skills.


Besides understanding and writing, correct pronunciation is also an important skill. The text-to-speech feature helps users listen and learn the correct pronunciation of words and sentences in English.

Installation and Usage Guide

Installing the Extension

  1. Download the extension: Download the .zip file from the Release of the GitHub repository, or you can zip the entire repository.
  2. Open Chrome extensions: Open Chrome and type chrome://extensions/ in the address bar.
  3. Enable Developer mode: Turn on the "Developer mode" toggle.
  4. Load unpacked: Click "Load unpacked" and select the folder where you extracted the .zip file.

Using the Extension

  1. Select text: Highlight the text you want to summarize, translate, correct, or pronounce.
  2. Right-click: Right-click on the selected text and choose the desired action from the context menu.

Customizing Settings

This Chrome extension uses AI API to respond, so you need to configure some settings to use it.

  1. Open Chrome extensions: Go to chrome://extensions/.
  2. Click on the extension icon: Find the extension icon and click on it.
  3. Select "Options": Click on the "Options" link in the extension dialog.
  4. On the Options page, you can configure the following parameters:


Groq offers a free, fast API using the LLAMA 3 70B model, which is a great choice for those who want to experience AI features without any cost. Although Groq has some limitations in forcing the model to return in Vietnamese, its fast response speed and free service are significant advantages.

  • API URL: Endpoint for the selected AI service.
    • OpenAI:
    • Groq:
  • API KEY: Your API key for the AI service.
  • Model Name: The specific AI model you want to use. It is recommended to use llama3-70b-8192 on Groq because it responds quickly, although its Vietnamese might be lacking.
  • Temperature: Adjust the creativity and randomness of the AI's output.
  • Max Token: Limit the length of the AI's response. For LLAMA3-70B, it is 8192, for GPT-35-Turbo, it is 4096.

This is the configuration I am using on my machine:

AI Web Summarizer & Translator

Setup for TTS

For the text-to-speech feature, this setup is optional. If left blank, the extension will use the system's default TTS.

  • OpenAI Whisper API Key: Your API key for OpenAI's text-to-speech service.
  • Open AI Whisper Model Name: The specific Whisper model for text-to-speech.
  • Voice Name: The voice you want to use for pronunciation (e.g., echo, alloy).


Link to the repository

The application is still under development, and any contributions to improve the extension are welcome and can be submitted through the project's GitHub page.

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