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Mishal Shah
Mishal Shah

Posted on • Originally published at

Migrating Jekyll Blog to Gatsby

I had started building my personal website in 2017 with static HTML, CSS, JS and in 2018 based on the available options, I went ahead with Jekyll. Overall, everything was working fine with Jekyll and was smooth. Although, my Twitter feed was filled with Gatsby, and I had seen some stickers named "My Website is faster than yours" of Gatsby while interacting with them for HackVerse Hackathon.

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This really made me look at some of the Gatsby sites and it really felt that the websites were fast, and it had the support of PWA, something which I really wanted on my site. Moreover, since it was based on React, I decided to try out to move my personal website from Jekyll to Gatsby.

The Migration

I won't be listing the steps in detail on how I did the migration because there are plenty of blogs out there and the documentation provided by Gatsby is excellent. I could get anything I wanted on the Gatsby documentation. I started looking into the tutorial of Gatsby to get a hang of it and started my new website with the default starter code.

Here are the major steps:

  • Started looking into the tutorial,
  • Took the gatsby default starter code,
  • Added the initial components ( sidebar , post , default ), and set up - the basic styling as per the old website, - Added the content for the non-blog pages ( about , projects , contact , 404 ), - Setup blog page component view (blogPost) from markdown pages using the onCreateNode , createPages APIs, - Learnt a bit about using GraphQL and GraphiQL UI, - Exported all the blog posts from the previous site, - Index Page Display to list all the blog posts ( blogList ),
  • Added SEO for all pages,
  • Added automatic deployment with TravisCI,
  • Added Google Analytics & PWA support,
  • Some other fixes for overall look & feel.

Here's the lighthouse report of the new website:
lighthouse report

GitHub Actions

When GitHub Actions was released in August 2019, I always wanted to give it a try for some project but didn't get enough time to try it out. While I was using Travis CI with this deployment, I thought of giving GitHub Actions a try. Finally!

Here are the steps I followed:

  • Generated a New Token from GitHub Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal access tokens with repo access scope. token
  • I was deploying on my root so the name of my repo is, I added the token in the repository Settings -> Secrets with the name GH_TOKEN


  • Created a file named gh-pages-deploy.yml in the directory .github/workflows/ using the Simple Workflow template available under Actions tab on the repository.
  • Since, the User pages must be built from the master branch, I set my default branch as source on the repository and left the master branch for deployment and hence triggered the workflow only on source branch push,
  • I configured it to node.js environment with 12.x version, cached the dependencies so that it doesn't have to be installed every time and faster CI,
  • Configured to initial git settings of and as it is required, used to GH_TOKEN to give the access and then made the deployment run using the following command:
npm run deploy
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That's it! Pretty simple! Really like the simplicity of GitHub Actions. Find the complete configuration file here


The migration was definitely worth it, the site is actually blazing fast ๐Ÿš€ and moreover, got to pick up some new skills. Would recommend anyone to migrate to gatsby. There are certain features and fixes which I plan to do in due time. If you need any further help, feel free to take a look at the repo or contact me If there are any issues you come across, please do open up here or would love it if you fix it :)

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