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First Pull Request in Hacktoberfest23

As I dive into the 2nd month of my open-source journey, it just so happens to also be the month of Hacktoberfest! This is my first time participating in Hacktoberfest and I wanted to share the process of my first Hacktoberfest PR.

Looking for Issues

For my first contribution, I wanted to work on a small issue to start off, and gradually work my way up to more challenging issues. It was initially quite overwhelming to see all the different types of issues that were available, but using labels such as label:hacktoberfest, label:"good first issue", and sorting by Least Commented helped greatly.

Through my search, I stumbled upon the Python_Hunt repository, which is a web-based project that revolves around providing summarized notes on key topics on the Python programming language to help make learning Python easier for newcomers. The project currently uses Django, which is an open-source Python-based web framework that allows you to quickly develop secure and maintainable websites.

The Issue

The issue I decided to request to work on was to create a webpage for "Tuples in Python".


After getting approval, I forked the issue, created a new branch and prepared to setup my local system.


There was not much that I needed to setup, but since this was my first time working with this web framework, I needed to install Python and Django. After that, I needed to run a python migrate command to create database tables and a python runserver to start the server.

Implementing Changes

Essentially, this issue required me to create a .html page that described what a Tuple is in Python, and to provide some examples. I also needed to add in the correct routes so that users will be able to navigate to the newly created page. This was my first time using Django, so I needed to do a little bit of research to understand how routes worked on Django. To summarize, Django uses a function called path() which accepts two parameters: a URL (the URL for the webpage) and a View function (will hold the logic to render the page). Once the URL entered in the browser matches a URL described within path() it will then invoke the View function to render the page.

Learning Outcomes

Overall, submitting this PR was a great learning experience for me as I got to interact with the community and contribute to another open-source project. It was also interesting to work on a project that involved Django. Looking forward to contributing to other projects during Hacktoberfest!

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