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React Ecosystem in 2024: What's New and Exciting


As React celebrates its 11th anniversary in 2024, it's worth exploring the latest developments in the React ecosystem. In this article, we'll take a closer look at various aspects of the ecosystem, building on what was happening in 2023 and what you can expect in the coming year.

1. Routing

Routing is a fundamental part of web development, and in 2023, we saw a variety of routing solutions. Let's see what's happening in 2024:

React Router

Remains a fundamental choice for handling routing in React applications.
Offers extensive documentation and an active community.
Provides reliable declarative routing.
React Query

Continues to enhance data-fetching and state management.
Simplifies the process of managing, caching, and synchronizing data.
A powerful choice for React applications.

Maintains its position as a go-to choice for server-rendered React applications.
Offers flexible routing options.
A valuable resource for routing in Next.js applications.

2. Client State Management

Client state management is crucial for efficient data handling in frontend applications. Two popular solutions are:

Redux Toolkit

A comprehensive state management library built on top of Redux.
Provides tools and best practices for managing state.
Suitable for complex, large-scale projects.

A lightweight and flexible state management library.
Ideal for smaller projects and developers seeking a more straightforward solution.
Easy to use for quick state management.
When choosing between Redux Toolkit and Zustand, consider your project's complexity and your familiarity with Redux.

3. Server State Management

Managing server state is essential for applications that span both client and server. Here are two key libraries:

TanStack Query

A powerful and flexible state management library for server state.
Offers efficient data fetching, caching, and data synchronization.
Ideal for real-time data updates.
Redux Toolkit - RTK Query

A comprehensive solution for managing server state.
Simplifies API requests, data caching, and state updates.
Integrates seamlessly with Redux.
When selecting a server state management library, consider your project's requirements and data fetching needs.

4. Form Handling

Effective form handling is crucial for web applications. Two popular libraries for form handling are:


A widely-used library for building forms in React.
Provides utilities for managing form state, validation, and submission.
Note: It's not actively maintained, so consider alternatives.
React Hook Form

A modern form library leveraging React hooks for efficient form state and validation.
Actively maintained and offers performance and flexibility.
Consider the maintenance and project requirements when choosing between Formik and React Hook Form.

5. Testing

Testing is a critical part of the development process. Here are some testing tools and resources:


A testing framework for Vue.js applications.
Supports unit tests, component tests, and end-to-end tests.
Ensures the reliability and quality of your code.
React Testing Library

A popular testing library for React.
Focuses on testing from a user's perspective.
Encourages best practices for testing React components.

An end-to-end testing framework supporting multiple browsers.
Ensures cross-browser compatibility.
Powerful for validating web application functionality.
Explore these resources to choose the one that best fits your testing needs.

6. Styling

Styling in web development offers several popular tools and libraries:

Tailwind CSS

A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
Provides pre-built, atomic CSS classes for responsive designs.
Styled Components

A CSS-in-JS library for styling React components.
Encapsulates styles within components for easier management.

A CSS-in-JS library known for performance and flexibility.
Offers various ways to define and apply styles to React components.
Each tool has its strengths, suitable for different use cases. Choose based on project requirements and preferences.

7. UI Component Libraries

Several UI component libraries for building user interfaces in 2024:


Based on Google's Material Design guidelines.
Offers a wide range of components for modern interfaces.

A modern React component library focusing on high-quality components and hooks.
Streamlines the development process.
Ant Design

A comprehensive design system and component library for enterprise-level React applications.
Emphasizes natural and clear design.
Chakra UI

Creates accessible and highly customizable user interfaces.
Offers composable components and flexible styling.
Headless UI (Tailwind CSS Framework)

A set of fully accessible, unstyled UI components for use with Tailwind CSS.
Provides full control over styling.
DaisyUI (Tailwind CSS Framework)

An extension for Tailwind CSS, enhancing development with additional components and utilities.
Shadcn UI (Tailwind CSS Framework)

A Tailwind CSS-based UI component library for building web applications quickly.
Choose the library that best meets your UI requirements.

8. Animation

For animations in React, consider two popular libraries:

React Spring

Feature-rich animation library with physics-based animations.
Creates smooth and interactive animations in React.
Framer Motion

Known for ease of use and flexibility.
Designed for creating smooth animations in React applications.
Both have their strengths, so choose based on your animation needs.

9. Data Visualization

Data visualization libraries for React:


Powerful data visualization library offering various chart types and customization options.
Creates visually appealing and interactive visualizations.
React Chartjs 2

React wrapper for Chart.js, a popular charting library.
Integrates Chart.js features into React applications.

Composable charting library built with React.
Offers a simple and flexible API for various chart types.
Choose the library that suits your data visualization needs.

10. Table

Table solutions for React using TanStack Table:

TanStack Table

A headless UI library for creating powerful tables and datagrids.
Compatible with various frameworks like TS/JS, React, Vue, Solid, and Svelte.
A flexible solution for creating tables in your web applications.

11. Internationalization (i18n)

Libraries for internationalization in React:


A comprehensive internationalization framework for JavaScript and React.
Handles translations, formatting, and more.
React-Intl (Format.js)

Part of the Format.js project.
Provides tools for formatting and handling internationalized text in React applications.
Both are widely used for internationalizing React apps.

12. DevTools

DevTools for React and related libraries:

React Developer Tools

A Chrome extension for inspecting React components.
Allows viewing state, props, and making changes for testing.
Redux DevTools

Enhances the Redux development workflow.
Provides insights into the Redux store, actions, and state changes.
Testing Playground

A Chrome extension simplifying the testing of React components.
Offers a visual environment for experimenting with components.

13. aframe

Top comments (1)

flornkm profile image
Florian Kiem

Regarding i18next: I love using the library with inlang: which provides all the tools I need to work together with people from the companies I do software globalization for (first of all translates who don't code themselves and therefore can't work directly in the IDE). Just as a small addition, this seems also connected to i18n within the react ecosystem! :)