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How be less stressed?

MKilmer on November 16, 2019

I decided create this post, because i see much people talk about be more "productive", setting absurd habits and goals. However, stay relaxed is ve...
jmorjsm profile image
Jon Morgan

I've found something very simple which has helped me feel slightly less stressed recently which is disabling the battery percentage indicator on my phone.
Funny as it may sound, I've already noticed how many times I would have looked at it and thought "omg it's already gone down ten percent, is this going to last me the day? I should stop using it right now"

Similarly, hiding clocks from my sight has been helpful when working to a deadline. You don't need to know every minute that you've got one minute less to complete your tasks.

patricnox profile image

I believe, when treating this as a metaphor, this is surely the key point answer to relieve stress overall.

Like for me I could see my source of stress being the way i registrate my work hours.

"Ok ive sat with this since 09:10 to 11:26 ok its approx 1.5h ok 6.5h remains today"

mkilmer profile image

Nice tips,man! 🤘 🤘 🤘

iamschulz profile image
Daniel Schulz

I think stress avoidance is mostly a matter of mindset. Identifying and delegating problems is important to deflect stressful situations before they can even affect you.
I'm in no way religious, but I do think the serenity prayer is excellent advise.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

mkilmer profile image

Thanks for your reply! 😄

trackrunner profile image
Laszlo Toth


Listen some music is a great way to cool down in my case. My taste is wide but for relaxing I like to listen music with guitar. ( Or just find some "only" guitar videos on Youtube.

I also like to do exercises. I cycle to work everyday, that helps me to be fresh in the morning. Plus it is a good recovery activity for me. After work I am going for a run. It is really good because all my frustration and extra energy I put into training :D

mkilmer profile image

Thanks for your reply! Is true, exercises are really good for stay relax 🤘 🤘 🤘

jlrxt profile image
Jose Luis Ramos T.

También bailar, cantar y silvar. Saludos.

mkilmer profile image

Yeah, man!LoFi is very good for study and work.

sararf22 profile image

I like the silent mood when I get stressed, walking is great method to relive stress , listening to music, playing with my cat or watch my favorite anime , I can relax a little.