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Uploading objects into S3 bucket using EC2(PuTTY) + IAM + S3

1.Launch an Instance

  • Open EC2
  • Open "Launch Instances"
  • Select a server name
  • Select an AMI (Amazon Linux)
  • Select Instance type (t2.micro)
  • Create new Key pair
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  • Then, select "Launch Instance"
    Image description
    Instance created Successfully !

2. PuTTY Installation

Install PuTTY in the system, if not already installed...

3. Whitewash IP address

Check the public IP of your device in online website like "("

4. Change Security Group Rules

After getting your device 'IP' change the inbound rules of the security group by following the below mentioned steps:

  • Select the "Security" to change the security group

  • Then, select the 'security group' and change the 'inbound rules'
    *security-> security-group -> Edit inbound rules *

  • In the 'Edit inbound rules' sections, change the type: 'SSH' , Source: 'Custom' and then put the public IP of your device

  • Click on 'Save changes'
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5. PuTTYgen Key Configuration

  • Open 'PuTTYgen'
  • Select 'Load'
  • Then select the created 'pem key' to convert it into a 'private key'
  • Click 'Save private key'
  • Then save it in the system...

6. IAM Role Creation

Open IAM
IAM -> Roles -> Create role
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IAM role created successfully !

7. Modify IAM role for the instance

Select the instance
Actions -> Security -> modify IAM role -> Update IAM role
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8. PuTTY configuration

  • Copy the created EC2 instance's public ip address
  • Open 'PuTTY' In the PuTTY configuration:
  • In the 'Host Name or ( IP address)' column paste the ip address of the EC2 instance
  • Then in the side bar, select '+' that's before 'SSH' and then select the '+' before 'Auth'.
  • After that, click on 'Credentials' and browse the private key from your device.
  • Then click 'Open'

Category- + SSH -> + Auth -> Credentials -> Browse private key -> Open
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9. Linux CLI Operations

Now, Linux command line will be opened...
Login as 'ec2-user'
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Then run the following commands:
aws s3 ls

Then create a text file using 'echo' command
Example : echo "this is a text file" > details.txt
At last, run the following command to upload the text file into the s3 bucket
aws s3 cp file-name s3://bucket-name/

Now go to amazon S3 and click on bucket to check whether the object is uploaded or not.
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10. Terminate the instance and delete the bucket

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