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Supercharge Your Skills: 7 Tips for Writing Clean and Efficient JavaScript

Sam on January 07, 2023

Writing clean code is essential for every developer as it makes the code easy to read, understand and maintain. A clean code makes the life of ever...
jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

TBH, your example on comments shows how not to use comments in most situations. Almost every one of the comments is entirely unnecessary as the code is self-explanatory - as good code should be. Comments should only be used when the code does not lend itself to easy immediate understanding, or when leaving some non-obvious information there would be beneficial to someone coming to the code (maybe a link to an explanation of an algorithm used etc.)

If you were teaching a beginners course on programming your commenting style would be appropriate, but in a setting where the developers working on the code are competent with basic programming concepts, such comments would likely be viewed at best as annoying overkill, or at worst - patronising.

mohsenkamrani profile image

I see your point and honestly I was thinking about this at the time of writing. Just look at it as an example to just get the idea. Not sure what could be a better example. Happy to update it if you have a better example.

harishteens profile image

It took me a little more than 5 mins to understand moving average and the code. Having these comments would have cut that to less time I feel. Here is my suggestion:

 * @param arr The input array
 * @param windowSize The window size for which moving average needs to be calculated
 * @returns Array of moving averages
function movingAverage(arr, windowSize) {
  let movingAverages = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    // start pointer positioned left by half window
    let start = Max(0, i - Math.floor(windowSize / 2));
    // end pointer positioned right by half window
    let end = Min(arr.length, i + Math.ceil(windowSize / 2));
    let sum = 0;
    // calculate sum of subarry
    for (let j = start; j < end; j++) {
      sum += arr[j];
    let avg = sum / windowSize;
  return movingAverages;
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jordanfrancis profile image
Jordan Francis • Edited

I agree. Comments should explain how the logic works if it’s complex, otherwise comments typically describe why.

brense profile image
Rense Bakker

Excessive commenting is actually the #1 indicator of unclean code. If your code needs comments to explain it you're probably trying to do too much in one file. To give an example, this comment:

// Calculate the start and end indices for the current window
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You should probably just refactor that code into a separate function calculateWindowIndices for example.

Another bad example is redundant comments, like this:

// Loop through the array of numbers
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It does not give any more information than what the for loop on the next line already gives. Although there's one problem with that for loop... Its looping over an array called arr that's not a very descriptive name...

The rule of thumb should be: if you feel the need to add a comment to your code, consider refactoring your code to be more self-explanatory.

mohsenkamrani profile image

I agree with almost every point you made, but I couldn't find a better example. Happy to update the post if you can suggest any.

brense profile image
Rense Bakker

In my opinion, comments should only be used to clarify non-trivial business logic in your app. For example, I worked on an app for the concrete industry a while back and there was this sieve test logic where you'd have to calculate the modulus of the combined rest weight on all the sieves, but for sand and gravel there were different sieve seizes that we're relevant. That's something that needs additional explaining, although even in that case you can get a long way by writing functions like: getSieveSizesForSand, etc. I think I added a comment with the link to the pdf that had a detailed explanation of how the sieve testing was supposed to work.

bcostaaa01 profile image

In my point of view, you’ve missed a lot of topics in efficient and clear JavaScript…

Some other topics would include:

  • declaring variables on top of their scope, which makes it easy to see where each variable is in the current scope.
  • using strict mode.
  • using let and const instead of var. It helps avoiding a lot of errors and you can have more control over the scope of variables.
  • using arrow functions as much as possible, except on very specific cases where you can only achieve your goal with a regular function.

And this is only part of a long list of best practices for clean and efficient JavaScript code. It is not only about commenting - which in my opinion, should instead be that the code is self-explanatory, or at least as much as possible -, but also about these aspects and tools that you can make use of in order to make your JavaScript code better to read and function. As for the title of your post, I wouldn’t call it “supercharge” when it comes to skills, this is more about best practices.

mohsenkamrani profile image

Thanks for your good addition. Really didn't wan to make the post longer than it is.

mohsenkamrani profile image

That's a valid point, but it's not considering the context. I'm just using that function to somehow show how adding comments in certain blocks can help.

This is perhaps how I'd write it in real life but not sure if it would make more distraction rather than clarity:

 * Calculates the moving average of an array of values.
 * @param {number[]} array - The array of values.
 * @param {number} windowSize - The size of the moving average window.
 * @return {number[]} The array of moving averages.
const movingAverage = (array, windowSize) => {
  if (array.length < windowSize) {
    return null;
  return array.reduce((acc, current, index, array) => {
    if (index >= windowSize) {
          .slice(index - windowSize, index)
          .reduce((acc, current) => acc + current, 0) / windowSize
    return acc;
  }, []);
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blindfish3 profile image
Ben Calder

These days the best approach to formatting concerns is to leave that to automated tools like Prettier: you're guaranteed consistent results that avoid unnecessary diffs in your repo.

mohsenkamrani profile image

Definitely, it does a massive job in using a proper indentation, not having very long lines and other formatting issues like that.

ooooo profile image

Thanks, it's a good practice!

mohsenkamrani profile image

I'm glad you find this helpful.

rabiul7772 profile image
Rabiul Akand


mohsenkamrani profile image

Yup, fair enough.