If you’re a developer, understanding Git and GitHub is non-negotiable. They’re essential tools for version control and collaboration, making it easier to manage your codebase and work with a team.
In this article, I’ll walk you through the 10 most common Git commands you’ll use daily. Whether you’re just getting started or need a quick refresher, this guide has got you covered! 🚀
1. git init 🛠️
This command initializes a new Git repository in your project. It creates a .git folder to track changes.
git init
Tip: Use this only for starting a new repository. If you’re cloning an existing one, skip to git clone. 🔑
2. git clone 🖇️
Used to copy an existing repository to your local machine.
git clone <repository-url>
Example: 💡
git clone https://github.com/username/repo.git
3. git status 🔍
Check the current status of your repository, including untracked, staged, and modified files.
git status
This command is your best friend for staying updated on your project’s state!
4. git add ➕
Stage changes to prepare them for a commit.
git add <file>
Pro Tip: Use git add . to stage all changes in the current directory.🔑
5. git commit 💾
Save your staged changes with a meaningful message.
git commit -m "Your commit message here"
Example: 💡
git commit -m "Fixed a bug in the login form"
6. git push ⬆️
Send your local changes to a remote repository.
git push origin <branch>
Common Usage: Push to the main branch. 🔑
git push origin main
7. git pull ⬇️
Fetch and merge changes from a remote repository to your local machine.
git pull origin <branch>
Use Case: Keep your local branch updated with the latest changes from main.💡
8. git branch 🌳
List, create, or delete branches in your repository.
git branch
To Create a New Branch: 🔑
git branch <new-branch-name>
9. git checkout 🔄
Switch between branches or restore files.
git checkout <branch>
Pro Tip: Use git switch as a modern alternative for switching branches. 🔑
10. git merge 🔗
Combine changes from one branch into another.
git merge <branch-to-merge>
Example: Merge feature branch into main: 💡
git checkout main
git merge feature
🛠️ Additional Commands to Explore
- git log: View commit history.
- git reset: Unstage changes or reset commits.
- git stash: Save changes for later without committing.
📖 Conclusion
Mastering these 10 commands will give you a solid foundation for working with Git and GitHub. Remember, Git is all about practice. The more you use these commands, the more natural they’ll feel.
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