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The Use of Residential Proxies in Time Series and Cross-Sectional Data Collection: Analysis and Practice

In the field of data analysis, time series data and cross-sectional data are two common and crucial data types. They are not only different in structure and application scenarios, but also require different analytical methods to process. Understanding the characteristics and differences of these two data types is crucial for professionals engaged in financial analysis, market research, economic forecasting, etc. This article will introduce in detail the definition, characteristics, collection methods of time series data and cross-sectional data, as well as specific case analysis in practical applications with the help of residential proxies, to help readers better understand how to select and use these two types of data.

What Is Time Series Data? What Are Its Characteristics?

Time series data refers to a sequence of values recorded in chronological order, with each data point corresponding to a timestamp. This type of data is often used to analyze trends, patterns, and seasonality over time to predict future changes or make decisions. The characteristics of time series data are:

  • Time dependency: The most important feature of time series data is its time dimension. Each data point not only contains numerical information, but also reflects the relationship between these numerical values over time.
  • Trend: Time series data often shows a long-term upward or downward trend, which is a key factor in data analysis. For example, stock prices usually change over time, and their long-term trend can be analyzed through time series data.
  • Seasonality: Many time series data have seasonality, that is, they show periodic fluctuations within a specific time period. For example, ice cream sales are usually higher in the summer and lower in the winter.
  • Randomness: In addition to trends and seasonality, time series data may also contain some unpredictable random fluctuations, which need to be handled by appropriate modeling and analysis methods.
  • Autocorrelation: Autocorrelation of time series data means that there is a correlation between the data at one time point and the data at the previous or later time points. This correlation usually needs to be captured and analyzed through autoregressive models (such as ARIMA).

Time series data is widely used in financial markets, economic forecasting, meteorological analysis, equipment monitoring, etc. For example, by analyzing the time series data of the stock market, investors can predict future market trends and make reasonable investment decisions.

What Is Cross-Sectional Data? What Are Its Characteristics?

Cross-sectional data is data collected from multiple individuals (such as people, companies, countries, etc.) at a specific point in time or over a short period of time. This type of data is usually used to analyze differences between different individuals without considering factors such as time changes. The characteristics of cross-sectional data are:

  • No time dimension: Cross-sectional data is collected at the same point in time or within a shorter time frame, so it does not contain a time dimension. It reflects the state or behavior of different individuals at a specific moment.
  • Strong contrast: The main advantage of cross-sectional data is that it can help analyze differences between different individuals, such as consumption levels in different regions, income distribution in different age groups, etc. For example, housing prices in different cities, consumption levels in different age groups, GDP in different countries, etc.
  • Diversity: Cross-sectional data usually contain multiple variables, which can describe multiple characteristics of different individuals. For example, a social survey may collect a variety of information about a population’s income, education level, occupation, health status, etc.

Applicable to a wide range of research fields: Cross-sectional data are widely used in social sciences, economics, market research, etc. For example, in market research, researchers may collect data on the preferences of different consumers for a certain product at the same time point to analyze changes in market demand.

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Differences and Choices between Time Series Data and Cross-Sectional Data

In data analysis, time series data and cross-sectional data are two common and important data types. They differ significantly in structure, purpose, and analytical methods, so selection and application require appropriate judgment based on specific needs.

  • Time dimension: Time series data contains a time dimension and is suitable for analyzing trends and patterns that change over time; while cross-sectional data does not have a time dimension and is suitable for comparing differences between different individuals.
  • Data application scenarios: Time series data is suitable for scenarios where variables need to be studied over time, such as economic forecasting, meteorological analysis, equipment failure monitoring, etc. Cross-sectional data is suitable for analyzing differences between different individuals at a certain point in time, such as market surveys, censuses, etc.
  • Analysis methods: Analysis methods for time series data usually include time series analysis, trend analysis, seasonal analysis, autoregressive models (such as ARIMA), etc. Analysis methods for cross-sectional data usually include regression analysis, variance analysis, cluster analysis, etc. These methods are used to understand the relationships and differences between different individuals.

The choice between time series and cross-sectional data depends primarily on the nature of the research question and the research objectives:

If the research question involves dynamic trends or patterns that change over time, then time series data is a more appropriate choice; if the research question focuses on differences between different individuals without considering time factors, then cross-sectional data is a better choice.

For example, in financial market analysis, researchers often use time series data to predict future movements in stock prices, while in market research, researchers might use cross-sectional data to compare the purchasing behavior of different consumer groups.

How to Collect Time Series Data and Cross-Sectional Data?

Whether it is time series data or cross-sectional data, the accuracy and reliability of the data are crucial to the analysis results. With the popularization of the Internet, web crawler technology has become an important tool for collecting this data. However, since many websites have implemented anti-crawler measures, the direct use of crawlers may result in IP being blocked and data collection interrupted. Below, I will use the example of using residential proxies to obtain hotel and flight price change data over a period of time to illustrate how to collect time series data and cross-sectional data.

Step 1: Set up a scheduled task to collect time series data

Website selection: Select several large global travel websites, such as Booking, Expedia and Skyscanner. These websites cover hotel and flight information around the world, with large amounts of data and real-time updates.
Scheduled task setting: By writing Python scripts, using the requests library or crawler frameworks such as Scrapy, you can automatically crawl hotel and flight price information from major travel websites at a fixed time every day. The script is set to execute once every morning to ensure the timeliness of the data.
Data storage: The captured data will be stored in the company's database, forming a continuous time series that records the price changes of various tourist destinations every day.

Step 2: Collect cross-sectional data for market comparison analysis

Time point selection: Choose to collect data during the peak tourist season each year (such as summer vacation or before Christmas) so that the most representative market price information can be obtained.
Data collection: Use scripts to access major travel websites on the same day to obtain hotel and flight price information for major tourist destinations around the world. Since cross-sectional data needs to be collected at the same time point, it is necessary to issue a large number of data requests in a short period of time. Using residential proxies, here we take LumiProxy as an example, more than 90M active IPs can simulate access requests from multiple countries or regions.

Step 3: Data integration and analysis

Data integration: Through the database, the time series data collected daily are integrated with the cross-sectional data at specific time points to provide a basis for further data analysis.
Time series analysis: Use statistical tools (such as Python’s pandas and statsmodels libraries) to analyze the changing trends of hotel and flight prices and predict future price trends.
Cross-sectional analysis: Compare the price differences of different tourist destinations at a specific point in time to identify price anomalies or favorable markets so that companies can make adjustments in pricing and marketing strategies.


Time series data and cross-sectional data are two important data types in data analysis, which differ in time dimension, application scenarios and analysis methods. By rationally selecting and using these two types of data, researchers can more accurately capture the dynamic changes or individual differences of the research object. By using residential proxies, companies can collect these key data more efficiently and safely, providing strong support for their competitiveness in the market.

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