DEV Community

Why I like

Ben Sinclair on October 24, 2018

This was originally going to be a post about's strengths and weaknesses. It turns out I just wanted to talk about things I like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...
kayis profile image

I like it too. Nice and welcoming community.

I read a few times that some people (mostly senior developers) don't like it, because it has too much non-technical content for a developer site and is mainly populated by junior to mid-level developers.

Probably also's strength, because there are more juniors than seniors in the world, lol.

treevs profile image

Adding on, there are still things to be learned from junior developers.

Given how many resources there are for senior developers to have a large audience, I'd go so far as to say it's good for junior developers to have an audience too.

kaelscion profile image

I think that having junior devs around is hugely insightful actually. As devs we often get tunnel vision and do things simply because we always have. Having somebody question why is often a learning experience in itself because it makes us stop and think "Yeah...why do I do it this way?" Which makes us better. is my favorite programming community as well mostly because people share their stories. The rest of the world sees us developers as robots that write code and nothing else. It can be kind of depressing when your contemporaries also forget that you are a human being.

kayis profile image


The trick is, to keep the new genration of devs in the community while they become seniors.

Thread Thread
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I think a huge side effect of the focus on being welcoming is that it attracts a lot of juniors. The more beginner-focused stuff also tends to bubble to the top out of popularity, but over time I really hope we can improve the algorithms to be the right relevant mix of content for everyone.

Almost by definition, these things take time. We can't rush it, but I think the platform will eventually host the kinds of deeper, more advanced articles and discussions a lot of folks are looking for.

It will happen as we improve platform mechanics to serve different user groups effectively, but as you mentioned, it should also happen naturally as folks grow up on DEV.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I hadn't heard that, but on the other hand I haven't spoken to many people who aren't signed up here about it.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Really glad you like it Ben!

This whole post is a great identification of a lot of small deliberate choices. It's not like we set out to radically change what developers do on the web, but early on I felt like there were a lot of little things places like Medium, Twitter, Stack Overflow, GitHub, and others did well and did poorly, and it's been an attempt to take these observations and create something that was a bit healthier.

Along the way, we've tried to build something that works for the current scale, and as we grow, make adjustments.

It's really funny, I've been making website like since I was a kid in one way or another. It's definitely been a life-long personal craft. This is the first time I've gotten to do it at a bigger scale. I think there's still a lot of work to do in the details. I can't wait to see this place in a year or two. Hopefully we can keep up the momentum, positivity and scale to be super duper useful for all sorts of developers.

bauripalash profile image
Palash Bauri 👻

For me the main reason to join was it becoming Open Source.
I knew about from long time but wasn't interested to join yet another online community. But When I heard that is going Open Source, I felt an attraction and I joined , soon after joining I realised it was no mistake to join and It has the most friendly community I've ever seen.
I ❤

shiling profile image
Shi Ling

There's another thing I like about is it doesn't have an "echo chamber" effect. I don't see posts in my feed just because someone I follow liked it. I get quite disenfranchised from using Medium or Quora sometimes because my feed is filled with liked posts from a few very active people I follow, and I don't get new perspectives.

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

I've heard about this site a few months ago when it was featured in this video, but I've only decided to join a few days ago when I finally had a strong feeling to write about some weird stuff about JavaScript.

I've been having a great experience here since I joined. As you said, the people are very friendly (and intelligent) here. I enjoy this kind of company. Even if most of the people here aren't in my age group, I really feel welcome from the way I was treated and talked to. It's a great place, no doubt. I don't think words can do justice to my experience here so far. I'm looking forward to contributing more to such a welcoming community. Thanks to everyone!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Whoo! Thanks for watching @somedood and thanks again for having us on State of The Web, @rick_viscomi !

isalevine profile image
Isa Levine

i like it here because it's:

a) welcoming to junior devs like me, esp. w/r/t asking questions and building confidence sharing experience & ideas

b.) welcoming to me as a trans woman--i ESPECIALLY appreciate the explicit language in the code of conduct re: pronouns, "cisphobia", etc.; and

c.) welcoming as a communal space generally, because i actually enjoy and feel confident commenting publicly on others' posts (and i've been in perma-lurker status everywhere on the internet for years...)

i really enjoy being here, and appreciate the work that's gone into creating (and moderating!) digital spaces like this :)

rupankarghosh profile image

I was just browsing medium a week ago and this site caught my attention. So I headed to this site,made a profile and start browsing through the posts. This site is like the combination of medium and stack-overflow(in my opinion) where I can ask anything about Dev's to design. And now this is my favourite site 😍

llotz profile image
Lukas Lotz

I basically come here to get some motivational drive as it's not easy to motivate yourself everyday when having a large project and/or legacy monolith's maintenance running. I like the coderish attitude and the geeky stuff you can read. Sometimes I lose myself reading comments on a blog post that are more valuable to me than the post itself from time to time.

akiramakes profile image

I love this place. I read stuff on it just as much as I read from Medium, and the community is amazing.

dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani

I can post anonymously through Sloan. ❤️

osde8info profile image
Clive Da

wow you're right ! im planning to move my other SMNs and BMNs postings to devto too !