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1.Core Data Manipulation and Analysis
Pandas (pandas):

Used for data manipulation and analysis.

Provides data structures like DataFrame and Series for handling structured data.

Key features: Data cleaning, merging, reshaping, and aggregation.

NumPy (numpy):

Used for numerical computations.

Provides support for arrays, matrices, and mathematical functions.

Key features: Linear algebra, random number generation, and array operations.

  1. Data Visualization Matplotlib (matplotlib):

Used for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations.

Key features: Line plots, bar charts, scatter plots, histograms, etc.

Seaborn (seaborn):

Built on top of Matplotlib, used for statistical visualizations.

Key features: Heatmaps, pair plots, violin plots, and advanced statistical graphics.

Plotly (plotly):

Used for interactive visualizations and dashboards.

Key features: Interactive plots, 3D visualizations, and web-based dashboards.

Bokeh (bokeh):

Used for creating interactive web-based visualizations.

Key features: Interactive plots, streaming data, and dashboards.

Altair (altair):

Used for declarative statistical visualizations.

Key features: Simple syntax for creating complex visualizations.

  1. Machine Learning Scikit-learn (sklearn):

Used for machine learning and statistical modeling.

Key features: Classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, and model evaluation.

TensorFlow (tensorflow):

Used for deep learning and neural networks.

Key features: Building and training deep learning models, support for GPUs/TPUs.

Keras (keras):

A high-level API for building and training deep learning models.

Often used with TensorFlow as its backend.

PyTorch (pytorch):

Used for deep learning and neural networks.

Key features: Dynamic computation graphs, GPU acceleration, and research-friendly.

XGBoost (xgboost):

Used for gradient boosting algorithms.

Key features: High-performance implementation of gradient-boosted decision trees.

LightGBM (lightgbm):

Used for gradient boosting with a focus on speed and efficiency.

Key features: Faster training and lower memory usage compared to XGBoost.

CatBoost (catboost):

Used for gradient boosting with built-in support for categorical features.

Key features: Handles categorical data without preprocessing.

  1. Statistical Analysis Statsmodels (statsmodels):

Used for statistical modeling and hypothesis testing.

Key features: Linear regression, time series analysis, and statistical tests.

SciPy (scipy):

Used for scientific and technical computing.

Key features: Optimization, integration, interpolation, and statistical functions.

  1. Data Wrangling and Cleaning Dask (dask):

Used for parallel computing and handling large datasets.

Key features: Scalable dataframes and parallelized operations.

OpenPyXL (openpyxl):

Used for reading and writing Excel files.

Key features: Handling .xlsx files programmatically.

PySpark (pyspark):

Used for distributed data processing with Apache Spark.

Key features: Handling big data, SQL queries, and machine learning at scale.

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) NLTK (nltk):

Used for natural language processing tasks.

Key features: Tokenization, stemming, lemmatization, and sentiment analysis.

spaCy (spacy):

Used for industrial-strength NLP.

Key features: Named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and dependency parsing.

Gensim (gensim):

Used for topic modeling and document similarity analysis.

Key features: Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), Word2Vec, and Doc2Vec.

Transformers (transformers):

Used for state-of-the-art NLP models like BERT, GPT, and T5.

Key features: Pre-trained models for text classification, translation, and summarization.

  1. Data Scraping and Web Interaction BeautifulSoup (bs4):

Used for web scraping and parsing HTML/XML.

Key features: Extracting data from web pages.

Scrapy (scrapy):

Used for building web crawlers and scraping large datasets.

Key features: Scalable and efficient web scraping.

Requests (requests):

Used for making HTTP requests.

Key features: Fetching data from APIs and web pages.

  1. Geospatial Data Analysis Geopandas (geopandas):

Used for working with geospatial data.

Key features: Handling shapefiles, spatial joins, and mapping.

Folium (folium):

Used for creating interactive maps.

Key features: Leaflet.js integration for map visualizations.

Shapely (shapely):

Used for manipulation and analysis of geometric objects.

Key features: Spatial operations like intersection, union, and buffer.

  1. Time Series Analysis Prophet (fbprophet):

Used for time series forecasting.

Key features: Automatic trend detection and seasonality modeling.

ARIMA (statsmodels.tsa.arima):

Used for time series analysis and forecasting.

Key features: Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average models.

  1. Miscellaneous Joblib (joblib):

Used for parallel computing and saving/loading Python objects.

Key features: Efficient serialization of large NumPy arrays.

TQDM (tqdm):

Used for adding progress bars to loops.

Key features: Visual feedback for long-running tasks.

Flask (flask):

Used for building web applications and APIs.

Key features: Deploying machine learning models as web services.

FastAPI (fastapi):

Used for building high-performance APIs.

Key features: Automatic documentation and support for asynchronous operations.

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