This is an app I developed in the spare time to simulate a PlayStation 3 controller from a computer. Currently, isn't possible to remap controls, but work is on the way.
Note webMAN MOD is required for this to work.
Only tested on FreeBSD, and only with Clang compiler.
How to use
Install webMAN MOD, build pad.c
and run the following:
./a.out <PlayStation 3 ip>
Key bindings
Up arrow - D-pad up;
Down arrow - D-pad down;
Right arrow - D-pad right;
Left arrow - D-pad left;
W - Triangle;
Z - Cross;
S - Circle;
A - Square;
E - R1;
Q - L1;
C - R2;
X - L2;
1 - START;
H (lowercase) - Home;
H (uppercase) - Home (hold).
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