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Example of Multi Agent AI in healthcare

import threading
import time
import random

Base Agent Class

class Agent:
def init(self, name): = name

def perform_task(self):
    raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method.")
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Monitoring Agent

class MonitoringAgent(Agent):
def init(self, name, patient_id):
self.patient_id = patient_id

def perform_task(self):
    # Simulate real-time monitoring of vitals
    vitals = {
        "heart_rate": random.randint(60, 100),
        "blood_pressure": f"{random.randint(110, 140)}/{random.randint(70, 90)}",
        "temperature": round(random.uniform(36.5, 37.5), 1)
    print(f"MonitoringAgent-{self.patient_id}: Vitals -> {vitals}")
    return vitals
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Diagnostic Agent

class DiagnosticAgent(Agent):
def init(self, name, patient_data):
self.patient_data = patient_data

def perform_task(self):
    # Analyze vitals and suggest potential diagnoses
    heart_rate = self.patient_data["heart_rate"]
    blood_pressure = self.patient_data["blood_pressure"]

    diagnosis = "Normal"
    if heart_rate > 90 or "140" in blood_pressure:
        diagnosis = "Possible Hypertension"

    print(f"DiagnosticAgent: Diagnosis -> {diagnosis}")
    return diagnosis
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Treatment Agent

class TreatmentAgent(Agent):
def init(self, name, diagnosis):
self.diagnosis = diagnosis

def perform_task(self):
    # Suggest treatment based on diagnosis
    treatment_plan = "Lifestyle changes"
    if self.diagnosis == "Possible Hypertension":
        treatment_plan = "Prescribe antihypertensive medication"

    print(f"TreatmentAgent: Recommended Treatment -> {treatment_plan}")
    return treatment_plan
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Multi-Agent System Coordinator

class MultiAgentSystemCoordinator:
def init(self, patient_id):
self.patient_id = patient_id

def run(self):
    # Step 1: Spawn Monitoring Agent
    monitor_agent = MonitoringAgent("Monitor", self.patient_id)
    vitals = monitor_agent.perform_task()

    # Step 2: Spawn Diagnostic Agent
    diagnostic_agent = DiagnosticAgent("Diagnose", vitals)
    diagnosis = diagnostic_agent.perform_task()

    # Step 3: Spawn Treatment Agent
    treatment_agent = TreatmentAgent("Treat", diagnosis)
    treatment_plan = treatment_agent.perform_task()
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Simulate MAS in Healthcare

def simulate_healthcare_system():
patients = [1, 2] # Example patient IDs
threads = []

for patient_id in patients:
    coordinator = MultiAgentSystemCoordinator(patient_id)

    # Run each patient's MAS in a separate thread for scalability
    thread = threading.Thread(

for thread in threads:
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if name == "main":

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