I'm excited to announce that I've just released the sample chapter of my first book "Vue 3 Step by Step: with Composition API & TypeScript" on leanpub.com for free. This sample version will give you an idea of what you can learn in the upcoming lessons and chapters.
Front-end development can be challenging, but Vue simplifies it by providing flexibility, declarative rendering, and reactivity. Vue 3 builds upon Vue 2 by addressing its limitations and offering better TypeScript support, versatility for small and large applications, and faster development times with the Vite build tool. Additionally, the Composition API allows developers to create robust logic using Vue 2 syntax or the Options API.
As the name suggests ,in this book, you will learn step by step in a progressive manner the essentials of Vue 3, including the reactivity API in Composition API with examples in TypeScript. You'll also learn about component communication and reusability with Composables and Custom directives. I'll show you how to use Vue ecosystem libraries like Vee-Validate, Vue-Router, VueUse, Pinia, Vitest, and more. Finally, I'll teach you how to test, automate, and deploy your application with considerations for performance, security, and accessibility.
By the end of this book, you'll have the practical skills and confidence to use Vue 3 professionally and effectively.
The book will be serially published as individual chapters. Keep an eye on this space for updates. I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions to improve the book along the way. You can find the book at https://leanpub.com/vue3stepbystep.
Top comments (7)
Great work around Vue 3. Hope Composition API becomes more popular and examples on
<script lang="ts" setup>
increase.Thank you @nabbisen
Your book is off to a great start and I think that a very detailed step by step approach like this will help get more developers into Vue. How final are your page layouts as you create the chapters? As I read through the sample chapter I feel like my brain was really wanting something like wider page layouts so that the code lines don't wrap so much. Maybe some more whitespace too? I just got the impression that the density of the information combined with the density of the text on page was overwhelming.
Thank you @aaronblondeau for your great feedback. I appreciate all feedback as it helps to improve the reader's reading experience. The layout can be changed and I will work on making the layout wider and more spacious.
@aaronblondeau I have uploaded a new sample book incorporating your feedback :)
I am so glad that there are people like you. When I started learning Vue, there was too little information. I had to outsource my homework to services. For example, when I was assigned to read about "to kill a mockingbird", I found gradesfixer.com/free-essay-example... for this. At that time I was learning Vue and looking for information. So now I'm very glad that people write books and help others.
Congrats on launching, Mariam.
Authoring a book is so hard and demanding. Wishing you great success! 🤗🚀