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4 Steps to be a Good Developer

Always Chaulk outs the flow:


Before starting work or task you must write down the flow of your work even if its small thing like CRUD i.e. Create Read Update Delete functionality. Its should be your must rule. It helps you a lot for your time management. Also, with the help of this flow, you will come to know many loopholes which might be missed by you while developing the same.

Always take a break when you get stressed :

break motivation

When you get stuck while coding. Remember to take a small break. It's not only important but it's one the best activity one developer must follow. The stressed developer takes more time to complete the task while on the other hand, free-minded developers complete the same task in a small time.
Refreshments like helping the other teammates in there developing issues, small chitchat or mostly follow COFFEE With Code thing.

Follow and Read the online blogs:

online blogs

Internet is vast and everyone has access to it. Make proper use of your time and internet. Follow the technical websites, blogs, articles of your interest. Things are changing really fast in today's world and it's very important for one to keep updated ourself. Following are some of the links to get started with:

  • David Walsh
  • Smashing Magazine Many more are there, just google it.

Always be flexible to grab any opportunity

grab opportunity

Being tech-savvy, you should always be ready to catch any opportunity that came between your way. With changing tech stack you should be flexible to jump on required stack according to your project.
It not only helps you to grow as a developer but also it makes you energetic to go through the new technologies. Learn new things. We have many online tutorials to kick start this like Udemy and many more out there. Also at the same time, you need to keep your USP (the main domain of work) strong.

Grow with technology with keeping mastery in your domain.

Top comments (4)

thefrivolousbrick profile image
Info Comment hidden by post author - thread only accessible via permalink

Dear author,

I have taken the time to read this article in all its detail.
I took the time to reflect on it and would like share my point of view.
This has got to be the most substanceless articles I have ever read about this topic.
It feels as though an AI wrote this.
Or that a generic template of article has been filled in with other generic somewhat domain related information.
Either way, there is room for improvement.
I am wondering if AIs are the new copywriters selected by search engines, or if the life of copywriters is difficult and you need to churn out a lot of content without the proper time to prepare it.
If it is the latter, I wish you good luck in improving your skills, sincerely.
If it is AI written, it saddens me deeply and something is very wrong.

Have a good day

thefrivolousbrick profile image
Info Comment hidden by post author - thread only accessible via permalink

I would like to add some advice, in case there is a real human trying to make good articles behind this :

  • generic stock photos with inspirational sentences are overused. Some of them here don’t even seem to related with their chapter.
  • the article feels as if it could be almost the same for half of the jobs in the world. That’s not normal. People reading tech blogs are expecting insight from experienced people with relevant advice that could only come from more senior profiles from the industry. Try researching way longer, have people review your draft, ask them what was new and useful and what was generic common sense and only keep the best. Writing articles take a lot of research and time, there is no shortcut to quality.
msabir profile image

Add the points to this list, what you think best defines the good developer

aadil042 profile image

Saw your profile imsabir, You recently joined Dev. I joined it today as well. Let's be friends. Love to learn some new things from you!

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