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Boost Your Workflow with Smartclip – A Versatile Launcher for Developers

Hey Devs! 👋

I’ve been working on a tool called Smartclip that I think can really help you streamline your daily tasks. Smartclip is an all-in-one launcher designed to give you quick access to various utilities. Whether you're juggling code, files, or clipboard content, Smartclip aims to make your workflow smoother and more efficient.

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Think of it as a next-level app launcher, similar to Spotlight, Celebro, or Albert, but with a whole set of built-in plugins that extend far beyond just searching. From handling clipboard content to rendering math expressions or setting reminders, Smartclip offers a range of features that cater specifically to developers.

Why Smartclip?

If you’ve ever had multiple tasks at once (managing snippets of code, searching for files, looking up translations), you know how much time is wasted switching between apps and tools. Smartclip eliminates that friction. Here’s what it can do:

  • Quickly launch apps and search for files
  • Store and reuse clipboard content—including rich formats like code snippets, URLs, and images
  • Render and paste math expressions (useful for technical docs or LaTeX enthusiasts)
  • Pick and paste emojis 🧑‍💻 😄 in just a few keystrokes
  • Translate text instantly
  • Set reminders to stay on top of tasks

Whether you're a software engineer, student, or power user, Smartclip is a lightweight yet powerful tool designed to help you streamline tasks and reduce the need to switch between different tools, so you can focus on what truly matters.

Getting Started with Smartclip

After installing Smartclip, it runs in the background. On the first launch, it might take a couple of minutes to index your applications and files. You can start Smartclip by using predefined keymaps to activate specific plugins directly. The default hotkeys are provided beneath the plugins in the following section - but you can define your own in the settings!

The core interface is a prompt at the top, with the active plugin view below it. You can navigate to different plugins by typing their ID (e.g., tl for the Translation Plugin, emoji for the Emoji Picker) followed by a Space while in the default plugin (Clipboard Manager). You can also return to the default plugin by hitting return at the start of the prompt.

Exploring the Plugins

1. Clipboard Manager (Default Plugin)

Easily manage, store, and reuse your clipboard entries. It detects different types of text—plain text, URLs, math expressions, or even code snippets. Perfect for when you need to quickly paste bits of code between projects.

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You can store entries between system reboots, search for entries, paste them using Alt/Option + 1-9 and perform actions using the context menu or Shift+Enter. The actions are based on the type of entry, like Write Mail to... for Mail Entries or Paste as Markdown for entries that contain html information and for url entries.

Default Hotkey
Windows: Win+V
Linux: Ctrl+Shift+V
MacOs: Option+V

2. Application Launcher (start)

Quickly launch apps or search for files within pre-indexed directories (set those up in the settings). Handy when you need to find files across your development projects or launch frequently used IDEs.

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Default Hotkey
Windows: Win+Space
Linux: Meta/Super+ Space
MacOs: Option+Space

3. Math Expression Renderer (math)

Working on a project that involves math? You can quickly paste math expressions as PNG, SVG, or Unicode using LaTeX or AsciiMath. This plugin is ideal for creating technical documents, slides, mails or wherever you need to include formulas.

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4. Translator Plugin (tl)

The process of looking up a word for translation often disrupts your workflow, especially when you're deep into a task. Typically, it involves opening a browser, typing or pasting the word, copying the result, and then switching back to your current application to paste the translation. This constant back-and-forth wastes time and breaks your focus, making even a simple translation feel like a chore.

Smartclip’s Translation Plugin eliminates this hassle by allowing you to translate words seamlessly without ever leaving your current application. With a simple keyboard shortcut, you can translate text on the fly, instantly paste the result where you need it, and get back to what you were working on. There's no need to juggle windows or retype anything. It streamlines the process, helping you maintain focus and boosting your productivity—whether you're coding, writing, or working on a project that requires frequent translations.

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Default Hotkey: Ctrl + Shift + L (for all operating systems)

5. Emoji Picker (emoji)

Smartclip’s Emoji Picker makes adding emojis fast and efficient without breaking your workflow. You can easily search for emojis by keyword and quickly insert them into your text. The plugin also saves your recently used emojis, so you can access them without scrolling through long lists.

A standout feature is the ability to select alternate versions of emojis (like skin color or gender) using Alt + Enter or Alt + Click. You can even preselect these preferences to apply them automatically. If you need to insert multiple emojis at once, hold Shift + Enter or Shift + Click to stack them, then paste them using Enter all together.

Smartclip’s Emoji Picker simplifies emoji usage, making it a seamless part of your productivity.

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Default Hotkey: Win/Super/Command+.

6. RemindMe Plugin (rm)

The Reminder plugin in Smartclip is designed for those smaller tasks that don’t quite fit into a calendar or apps like Teams, but are still important to remember. Whether it’s sending a follow-up email later in the day or taking something out of the oven at home, this plugin makes it easy to set quick reminders using natural language, like “in 10 minutes” or “tomorrow at 8 AM.” It integrates seamlessly with your system’s native notifications and even allows you to snooze alerts, so you can delay tasks without needing to set a new reminder. The simplicity and speed of writing reminders in everyday language make it a practical tool for managing those little tasks that might otherwise slip through the cracks.

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How to Get Involved

Smartclip is currently in beta, available till 31/03/2025, and I’d love to get feedback from the developer community! Whether it’s bugs, feature suggestions, or just your thoughts on the user experience, your input would be invaluable. You can try it out by following the installation guide on the GitHub page.

To submit feedback or report issues, feel free to open a GitHub Issue.

For detailed instructions on how to use Smartclip and further information on all available plugins, you can refer to the comprehensive documentation here: Smartclip Documentation.

I hope Smartclip can save you some time and make your workflow smoother! Let me know what you think, and I’m looking forward to hearing your suggestions.

Happy coding! 🚀

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