đ€ Situation
1. a common validations for multiple models
When you have some models that need to validate for e-mail
, policy_agreement
, user_name
, tel_number
, and so on, do you want to write almost the same things for many models?
2. the names of the same meaning column is different!
It's like this.
- User#email
- Company#mail_address
Is it possible to make them common?
đŠ We have a great tool ActiveSupport::Concern
module CommonValidation
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
# This is for not the columns, but the screen items.
attr_accessor :mail_address_confirmation
attr_accessor :policy_agreement
# This is for situation 1
validates :name, length: { maximum: 16}
validates :policy_agreement, acceptance: true, allow_nil: false, on: :with_policy_agreement
# This is for situation 2
# obj in the Proc.new is dinamically determine, it will be the very object of the validated model.
[:email ,:mail_address].each do |column|
validates column, format: { with: Regexp.new(Constants::EmailRegex) }, if: Proc.new { |obj| obj.respond_to?(column) }
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