DEV Community

Naman sharma
Naman sharma

Posted on

find youtube videos in just 2 lines of python.

for this tutorial we will use pywhatkit library
you can install it by

pip install pywhatkit
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import pywhatkit
pywhakit.playonyt('godzilla eminem')
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and done.
if you don't want to open it in browser so just set open_video to False, just like this:-

import pywhatkit
print(pywhatkit.playonyt('godzilla eminem',open_video=False))
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Top comments (2)

chemacortes profile image
Chema Cortés

There is a typo with the name of module. It miss a 't', as import pywhatkit.

naman23coder profile image
Naman sharma

Corrected :-)