DEV Community

Neel Dedhia
Neel Dedhia

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What it means to be an developer?

Hey folks, welcome to the first post of #DevInit_withNeel!
We all want to be a developer, but do we really know who a developer really is, what it means to be one? 🤔

It's quite easy & simple to just learn some programming language and name yourself as a developer since it's not being given by any examined authority. But you will surely be judged among the professionals when don't meet up to the level of expectations.

Let's figure out the roadmap to becoming a developer and where are you on this journey:

Typist: A person who just types the code but does not produce any relevant output to solve the problem. One might type code already written up somewhere, either for the purpose of copy-pasting or for language migration.

Programmer: This level of folks are expected to have a proficiency over language/s. Also, they are well known at Data Structures, Algorithms, Version Controls and produce valuable and optimized outputs.
Here you might think that this is what a developer does, but the hard truth is there's a lot more and this is just a small part of it.

Developer: Apart from writing valuable and optimized solutions their professionalism lies in building versatile and scalable software architecture, refactoring the solutions, providing efficiency at computational & storage resources, etc.

Intermediate Developer: Someone, who is one the way and in-between programmer & developer. Since this journey is long with loads of stuff to master at. This is where I am currently and growing ahead 🚀

In developer, I have mentioned "etc" at the end since I am on my way to it so I mentioned what all so far I have figured it out. Let me know in the comments what are the other things a developer should be known of 💭

That's all folks for today, I hope this read would help you to know where you are and where have to go towards.

See you all soon again!

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