Assignment 5: Method Calling, private
Learning Method Calling, Accessing static, non-static variables from other classes, private modifier.
Steps: Create a class Called School.
Have non-static variables as below.
int mark;
private int salary;
Have static variable as below.
static String school_name = "St. Antony's Primary School";
Define non-static methods mentioned below
void conduct_exams()
- Have a print statement inside this method
void publish_results(int mark)
- Have a print statement inside this method to print mark Now, create another class called Teacher Create main method inside Teacher class Create an instance(object) for School class [Object name -> teacher] Using 'teacher' object, call conduct_exams() method Using 'teacher' object, call publish_results() method and pass 75 as argument here. Print school_name Try to access private variable salary in Teacher class and note down the error message.
package B14;
public class School {
int mark;
private int salary = 20000;
static String school_name = "st antonys primary school";
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
void condunt_exam() {
System.out.println("conduct exam");
void publish_result(int mark) {
System.out.println("exam result" + mark);
public void salary() {
System.out.println("salary" + salary);
package B14;
public class Teacher extends School{
public static void main(String[] args)
School teacher = new School();
System.out.println("school name"+ school_name);
If we declare salary method as public we can get output,if private method means we can access within the class only ,we cannot access from other class.
conduct exam
exam result75
school namest antonys primary school
Assignment 6:
GOAL: Learning private, default and public Access Modifiers, Creating Package and understanding its usage, Calling Methods with/without arguments.
- Check if you can create private class
- Check if you can create private main method
- Check if you can create Method local variable as private.
- Create a package called bank.chennai.
- Create a public class called 'SBI'.
- Have default non-static variables String empName, empId.
- Have default static variable branch_name = 'chennai'
- Create two default, non-static methods get_loan(int amount), create_account() with void as return datatype.
- Now, in the same package(, create one more default class called Account_Holder.
- Have main method in this class.
- Try to access all static, non-static variables and non-static methods in SBI class.
- Create another package called bank.madurai.
- In this package, create default class called Account_Holder_Madurai.
- Have main method in this class.
- Try to access all static, non-static variables and non-static methods in SBI class.
- Note down the Errors and rectify those errors and make sure this class gives output without any error.
package Bank.chennai;
public class SBI {
public String empName = "name";
public int empid = 32;
public static String branchName = "chennai";
public void get_loan(int amount) {
System.out.println("amount" + amount);
public void create_account() {
public static void branch() {
System.out.println("leave" + branchName);
package Bank.chennai;
public class Account_Holder extends SBI{
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Account_Holder account=new Account_Holder();
System.out.println( "empname" + account.empName);
System.out.println("empid" + account.empid);
System.out.println("branchName" + branchName );
create account
branch namechennai
Import Statement in Java
Import statement in Java is helpful to take a class or all classes visible for a program specified under a package, with the help of a single statement. It is pretty beneficial as the programmer do not require to write the entire class definition. Hence, it improves the readability of the program.
Syntax 1:
import package1[.package2].(*);
Syntax 2:
import package1[.package2].(myClass);
imported from package Bank.Chennai
package Bank.madurai;
import Bank.chennai.SBI;
public class Account_holder_Madurai{
public static void main(String[] args) {
SBI acc = new SBI();
int val = 34000;
create account
branch namechennai
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