
Introducing nest-commander

Jay McDoniel on April 08, 2021

Jay is a member of the NestJS core team, primarily helping out the community on Discord and Github and contributing to various parts of the framewo...
simplenotezy profile image
Mattias Fjellvang • Edited

Also, by copying the example from this article, I would get:

Property 'personName' does not exist on type '{ name: string; age: number; }'.ts(2339)

I had to tweak the commend to look like this (also adding --name to option) before it would work:

jmcdo29 profile image
Jay McDoniel

Thanks for reporting that. The post has been updated to have the proper values

gktim profile image

Nice, Great work!

tony133 profile image
Antonio Tripodi

Fantastic and interesting post! Great!

smolinari profile image
Scott Molinari

This is cool stuff. I'm going to be using it extensively in the next couple of weeks.


avantar profile image
Krzysztof Szala

I was waiting for something like this. Awesome. Thanks!

Ps. You have a few typos in your code examples.

jmcdo29 profile image
Jay McDoniel

Thanks for saying something! This is what I get for writing everything in the online editor and not in my IDE

almangor7_f0e94590fd3dfa7 profile image

this is copy and pasta, how to use this nest-commander in real project. You just copied this not working example and even dont think about that main.ts can be already used for API backend purpose and your example is very silly.

sueric profile image

Very nice article! Will give it a try

markpieszak profile image
Mark Pieszak

Love it Jay, great write up! 👏👏
(Btw tiny typo about in one code block you have @Opiton )

jmcdo29 profile image
Jay McDoniel

Thanks Mark! Got it fixed

piotr_jura profile image
Piotr Jura

I was looking at making my own solution, now I don't have to. Great, thanks!

simplenotezy profile image
Mattias Fjellvang

Would be nice to show how to actually run the command - it took a bit of tinkering to figure out

jmcdo29 profile image
Jay McDoniel

I added a quick note of how you can run the command after the setup of the src/main.ts file. There's more information as well on the docs site

huongnhd profile image
Jenny N

Sorry for the stupid quest of mine.
I walk through this post, but I have no idea how to invoke that.

joaopedro5g profile image
João Pedro

(I'm using translator), can I create an app integrating both standard NestJS and Commander, like I want to make a custom launch command for my nestjs web app, can I do that with both?

jmcdo29 profile image
Jay McDoniel

Yes, but depending on how you write your imports you might end up making a circular file chain so be careful about that. You'd essentially make the run or the command call NestFactory.create() and the subsequent methods

vladib13 profile image
Vladimir Blanco Lucena

Thanks, this is so helpful <3