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Cover image for Article 1: Data Science for Beginners: 2023 - 2024 Complete Roadmap
Simon Ngotho
Simon Ngotho

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Article 1: Data Science for Beginners: 2023 - 2024 Complete Roadmap

Establish what it takes to be a data scientist. By joining LUV Tech Academy, I believe that I will get adequate knowledge that will help me kick-start my career in data science/data analytics.
I am looking forward to Iearning programming languages that will help me navigate data science i.e. Python, SQL.
I will also familiarize myself with knowledge in Mathematics, Probability and Statistics on areas applicable in data science.

Learn SQL
I intend to learn SQL Language through Online Resources/sites e.g Udemy. I also intend to listen to you tube contents to help me improve on my proficiency.

Learn Python
I intend to learn Python Language and related libraries like Pandas, Numpy, through Online Resources/sites e.g Udemy. I also intend to listen to youtube contents to help me improve on my proficiency.

Learn Mathematics, Statistics and Probability
I understand this knowledge is live and applicable in data science and as such it will be crucial to grasp the concepts. I intend to use online resources as well as materials shared in the data camp to improve on my proficiency.

Data Manipulation
I plan to learn data manipulation through SQL and Python. I will do a lot of practices using MySql, DB Browser for SQLite, Anaconda (Jupiter Notebook) etc. I will supplement my knowledge through Youtube Content as well.

Data Analysis
I will use SQL and Python to carry out data analysis. I will get content from sites like Udemy, Codecademy, Cisco, SQLZoo and other internet sources.

Data Visualization/Presentation
I intend to learn visualization through different tools like Power BI, Tableau and Matplotlib from online sources.

Machine Learning
I intend to use knowledge learnt in the data-camp to set base for machine learning. I will supplement the learning with online contents from Udemy, Coursera and others.

Deep Learning
I intend to get basic knowledge of deep learning since I am likely to interact with it in course of my work. I will use Udemy, Coursera, Udacity or Edx.

Real Projects
I will purpose to undertake real-world project on data science using the Data-camp materials and other sourced resources. This will help me get prepared for real work assignments.

Continuous learning
I will purpose to practice data science programming everyday using Python and SQL. I will source for projects from Online sites and join Online communities to enable me network with professionals. I will also participate in Data Seminars, Webinars etc.

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