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Is the "Full Stack Developer" a Myth? The Lie Behind the Title

In the web development industry, the term "Full Stack Developer" has become extremely popular. Everyone wants to be one, and companies are looking to hire them at any cost. But is it really possible to be an expert in everything? Or are we promoting a false expectation that benefits companies more than developers?

What is a Full Stack Developer?

In theory, a Full Stack Developer is someone who can work on both the frontend and backend of an application. They handle everything from visual design to databases and server infrastructure.

Sounds impressive, right? However, the reality is far more complex.

Specialization is Inevitable

It’s true that some developers can manage multiple areas of an application. But the idea that one person can be an expert in frontend, backend, databases, security, DevOps, and more is highly debatable.

Frontend: This isn’t just HTML and CSS anymore. Today, it involves working with frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular, along with in-depth knowledge of performance and accessibility.
Backend: Here, we’re talking about system architecture, database management, APIs, and sometimes even complex algorithms and data structures.
DevOps: This involves server configuration, monitoring, deployment automation, and knowledge of infrastructure tools like AWS, Docker, and Kubernetes.
Pretending that one person can master all these areas at the level of a specialist is, at the very least, unrealistic.

The Myth of Productivity

Often, the title of Full Stack Developer is used as a synonym for super-productivity: someone who can do the work of an entire team, but faster. But is that even possible?

Quality suffers: When you split your time between various technologies and layers of the application, the quality of each aspect is likely to decrease. You can’t be an expert in everything and maintain the highest standards.

Risk of burnout: Developers trying to handle everything often face physical and mental exhaustion. Companies tend to exploit this mentality to get "more for less" from their employees.

Is "Full Stack Developer" Just a Marketing Strategy?

The term "Full Stack Developer" has become a buzzword, often used in job listings to attract talent with the promise of a "complete" profile. But the reality is that many of these positions pay the same as a specialized role, even though they require far more responsibilities.

Are we setting unrealistic expectations for new developers?

Many junior developers see this title as the ultimate goal, thinking that only by being full stack will they be competitive in the job market. But is it really an advantage? In many cases, specialization is more valuable.

What Companies Really Need

Instead of seeking a "Full Stack Developer," many companies should focus on building teams that combine specialists from different areas. A good frontend developer can optimize the user experience far better than a generalist. A specialized backend developer can create a more robust and scalable architecture.

Instead of asking one person to do it all, the key lies in forming balanced teams where each member brings their own expertise.

My Opinion: The Future is Specialization

Don’t get me wrong; having knowledge in multiple areas is valuable. But the idea that you can be a complete expert in frontend, backend, DevOps, and design is a myth that benefits companies more than developers.

If you want to succeed in the development world, I advise you to specialize in one area and master that field. Specialization will make you stand out and ensure a more stable and less exhausting career.


The term "Full Stack Developer" sounds appealing, but in practice, it’s nearly impossible to be genuinely competent in so many areas. Companies should reconsider what they need in their teams, and developers should focus on specializing in what they are truly passionate about.

What do you think? Is it realistic to be a Full Stack Developer today? Or should we stop using this term to avoid unrealistic expectations?

P.S. If you want to dive deeper into topics like this, make sure to check out my blog at for more web development insights!

Top comments (1)

mistval profile image

Full-stack developers aren't experts at everything but can contribute productively at all levels of the stack. Such developers exist and I work with a lot of them. Everyone has strengths, weaknesses, and preferences though, regarding where they contribute. "Full-stack developer" is officially my job title but I'm definitely backend leaning. I do a fair amount of frontend and DevOps stuff too though.

Full-stack developers bring flexibility and a unique perspective compared to more specialized developers, but usually they are jack of all trades and master of either none, or ideally one.