I just came across a simple yet awesome VS Code extension tonight care of Elijah Manor.
// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getEleme...
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Peacok -- it surprise with colored sidebars
This plugin has been such a revelation for me! It always drove me nuts to have multiple projects open and accidentally be in the wrong one. Especially during the period when I was porting my site from one framework to another and had both projects open. Too similar! I accidentally wrote in the wrong project way too often.
That’s great to hear that you like it so much!
I hear that @john_papa knows a bit about VS Code and web dev. 😉
Meh. He’s ok.
Glad you like it!
Couldn't live without it!
VSCode Extension Peacock
Alex Patterson ・ Aug 15 ・ 1 min read
🦄 Shades of Purple theme — I'm biased (I made it).
🎉 P.S. celebrating its crossing 1 Million devs.
God I love it so much! Sadly I prefer using Atom 😭
Help me build one for Atom, or I can send in a discount coupon for my VSCode.pro course and convert you to a VSCode user :)
I would be honored to help you convert it for Atom! 😃
Here's the link with VSCode theme and has all the colors in the README. Start there and let me know if you get stuck. github.com/ahmadawais/shades-of-pu...
You should give VS Code another try. 😉
I use Indent Rainbow with custom settings which I found on a medium blog long ago.
These are the custom settings:
"indentRainbow.colors": [
Thanks! I saw that in a screenshot a few weeks ago & have been looking for it.
I think it was my post, thank you
You can find it here.
I should thank you instead. :)
Just curious, why do you have it fade back out?
Actually the settings are a little bit out of order. Thanks for noticing. :). I'll update it.
I am an Angular developer from China.
Here are the Angular extensions which I installed, all of them are awesome.
The Code Spell Checker is helpful for Chinese developer, it can check the source code.
The last one is GitLens, I think you will love it after you install it.
Nice theme; first I heard about out. Yes, GitLens is helpful, especially if more than you touch the code.
I love winter is coming theme and prettier.
VS Live Share! It's awesome.
Yes! Live Share is amazing!
WakaTime it's a recent and useful VS Code extension that I really enjoy. It tracks the time I spend coding every day and it really helps me see the progress that I make.
I've been very tempted to switch to VS code from Atom🤔.
Sorry, very random.
do it. no brainer
Like everyone else is saying, do it! I started with Atom, Switched to Sublime text, and finally landed on VS Code. The built in git integration, and the built in terminal are life savers.
The build in terminal brought me to VS code. There was an extension for that in atom, but it was so sluggish.
What I imagined Atom being as a text editor from Github is what made me stick to Atom for so long. Last year I realized that VS Code is the one realizing that vision. The ecosystem, the features, the DX (Developer Experience), and the performance are all what I imagined Atom eventually becoming but Visual Studio Code got there faster.
Unless there is a specific Atom plugin you need that is not available for VSCode. it is more than worth the effort.
Ecosystem is better, & since MicroSoft bought GitHub, I would not be surprised if Atom is back-burnered.
Do it. I can help! Shameless plug → VSCode.pro
Do it! Vs code starts up a gazillion years faster than atom😂
Not my recent but I always add it to all IDE I use: Power Mode. It's nothing useful but a visual flair (will probably even lag your system if you enabled all) but it makes me feel like a rockstar (even though I'm actually not).
Great topic! 😎
Some nice hidden gems:
if you like calculate, you'll love Quokka
This isn't really an extension, but I use it very often.
I was looking for something equivalent to Sublime's
panel focus
, and there's a key map option, but it's not set to any key by default:View: Maximize Editor Group and Hide Side Bar
(shift + alt + enter)View: Reset Editor Group Sizes
(ctrl + shift + alt + enter)Read Time
It shows an estimate for how long it takes to read your Markdown.
Picture is taken from this tweet (I hope that's ok)
Using Shades of Purple theme, with Material Icon, looks awesome! ESLint, Vetur and Angular Snippets for the programming part.
🦄 Shades of Purple :) woohoo!
You did an awesome work on this theme!
That's very kind of you to say! 🙌
Didn't your theme hit like 1 million downloads or something with about 1/2 million installs? 💯👏
🎉🎉🎉 Yes. So happy about it. And my VSCode Power User course hit 5,000 devs. Both huge milestones for a full-time open source developer like me. :)
Lets you control Spotify from within VS Code by adding controls and currently playing in the status bar.
Not recently though, been using it for years 🙂
I use
a lot these days so I can do some TDD and get the quick feedback I want. And if I want even faster feedback I use quokka since it lets me try out libraries quickly. TypeScript covers me with the documentation, but sometimes you just need to screw around (like when I'm trying outjs-joda
(which is awesome btw) )I was amazed by the VSCode Python Debugger, you can run Python scripts more easily with breakpoints, variable analysis and a huge control and great data visualization, it is just too good to be ignored.
Press ctrl + shift + u and write parts you know about the path and/or the name of the file you want to import, and relative-path resolves the path for you.
My current extensions according to "code --list-extensions":
Thanks for sharing!
I am using nordic which is super cool
WSL workspaceFolder - marketplace.visualstudio.com/items.... Maps your Windows Directory to a WSL mount pathname. Very useful for integrating with Linux tools with your Visual Studio tasks. For example, using rsync to do a delta file copy to Raspberry Pi for .NET Core projects.
"windows": {
"command": "cmd",
"type": "shell",
"args": [
"\"dotnet publish -r linux-arm -o bin/linux-arm/publish",
"\"rsync -rvuz ${command:extension.vscode-wsl-workspaceFolder}/bin/linux-arm/publish/ pi@${workspaceFolderBasename}\""
cyberpunk theme ˆˆ
In my VS Code environment I have these extensions installed:
Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
Color Highlight
Lorem Ipsum
TODO Highlight
TODO Parser
For theme, I created one for myself merging features of Dark+, Neon Vommit (misspelled by developer), "Deepdark Material Theme | Full Dark Version" and some additions of my own that I call "Neon Vomit (Deep Dark)". I deploy it as a private extension to my various computers via a ZIP file.
+1 Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
Prettier is very useful for python users
which extension are you using to have those arrows in the editor?
Just add this to your VS Code settings:
Thanks, it worked! but it shows dots instead of arrows
I believe dots are for spaces and tabs are represented by arrows. But it also might be my theme choosing to style it that way.
Addons I really like:
btw, that addon do you use for the colored line ?
Can anyone suggest extension for automatic fold folding, like npp? the existing folding doesn't work if you reopen the file
EasySass.. it's amazing.
Git Graph, now I don't have to jump into git kracken when things get dicey
Thanks for sharing! Didn’t know about this one. I usually use glog in zsh, or fork for a GUI.
Excelent to try small snippets
Pretty damn nice. Thanks for sharing
Because I'm often doing F# development, Ionide!
EditorConfig for VSCode
For when you need it, I just installed SFTP and it works great!
Better Comments is fantastic for making particular comments more apparent.
Also Bracket Pair Colorizer, couldn't live without it.
Remote Development!
My favourite extensions:
Settings Sync
Code Runner
Bitbucket and Jira (Official)
Path Intellisense