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PostgreSQL Optimization: A Quick Tip on Using Values Expression

I have been working with a database that contains thousands of clusters of women, each identified by a UUID. The challenge arises when implementing a clustering algorithm that involves determining if a new cluster exists within a larger cluster. Traditionally, achieving this might necessitate iterative loops in programming languages like Python, adding complexity to the codebase.

Leveraging SQL Power

Instead of resorting to external looping mechanisms, PostgreSQL provides a more streamlined approach using SQL itself. The IN keyword, widely used to filter results, can be used to solve this clustering dilemma. For instance:

FROM clusters
WHERE cluster_id IN (... over 9000 IDs ...)
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However, let's explore an even more efficient way to accomplish this using the values expression and the ANY operator. This technique can yield performance improvements and optimize query execution plans.

The Values Expression and ANY Operator

The values expression constructs a temporary table from a list of expressions, while the ANY operator evaluates if a value is equal to any element within an array or set. Integrating these constructs, the query can be reimagined as:

FROM clusters
WHERE cluster_id = ANY (VALUES (100), (101), ...)
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Surprisingly, this seemingly straightforward alteration can lead to a different and more efficient query execution plan. The database optimizer might choose to employ hash aggregation over values scanning and, potentially, hash joins when dealing with a substantial number of rows.

Impact on Performance

At first glance, this query rewrite might appear counterintuitive. However, its effect on performance can be profound, contingent on the underlying context. If the query planner orchestrates the values scan after completing all joins, it could lead to undesirable consequences. On the flip side, when the planner optimally schedules execution, query performance can experience a remarkable boost. In certain cases, this optimization technique has resulted in up to 100 times faster query execution – a substantial gain that can outweigh the perceived risk.

It's crucial to note that the sequence of execution within the database is determined by the planner's internal tree structure. Generally, joins are prioritized over the WHERE clause, prompting their execution before filtering with the WHERE condition. If you're interested in modifying this behavior, PostgreSQL offers hints to guide query optimization. However, the detailed exploration of hints falls beyond the scope of this article.


In the realm of database optimization, the PostgreSQL database system never ceases to amaze with its wealth of features. This quick tip of utilizing the values expression and ANY operator for enhancing clustering queries showcases how intricate optimizations can lead to remarkable performance gains. While the impact of this technique might vary depending on the specific use case, its potential to dramatically accelerate query execution makes it an invaluable tool in the database optimization toolkit.

Top comments (2)

aka_irul profile image

Adding = before ANY,

WHERE cluster_id = ANY (VALUES (100), (101), ...)

nightbird07 profile image

thanks you are right, done ✅