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Nijeesh Joshy
Nijeesh Joshy

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Why does two small for-loops run faster than a big one ?

Explain Like I am five Why does two small for loops run faster than one big for loop?

s =
for(let i=0;i<1e10;i++) { i + 100 }
for(let i=0;i<1e10;i++) { i + 100 }
console.log( - s)
// => 37s

s =
for(let i=0;i<2e10;i++) { i + 100 }
console.log( - s)
// => 38s

Especially for language like JS which is not multi-threaded

Top comments (4)

dati profile image
da-ti • Edited

This has nothing to do with JIT compiler, loops, multi-threading or BigInt. If this was a some quiz question it would test:
-Understating that every number in js implicitly is floating point number
-Knowing how floating point addition works and that (unlike addition of integers) it takes multiple hw level operations


To make this test fair for both one loop variant and two loops variant:

s =
for(let i=0;i<1e10;i++) { i + 100 }
for(let i=1e10;i<2e10;i++) { i + 100 }
console.log( - s)

s =
for(let i=0;i<2e10;i++) { i + 100 }
console.log( - s)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now both variants work with exact same numbers and perform exact same floating point operations (time diff is consistently <20ms on my machine now, where it was 500-1500ms before)

TLDR: floating point

nijeesh4all profile image
Nijeesh Joshy • Edited

Thanks man, it took me a while to understand. I think this might be the best answer.

vlasales profile image
Vlastimil Pospichal

BigInt is slower.

nijeesh4all profile image
Nijeesh Joshy

i ran this in my server for more than 800 times these are my results