DEV Community

You probably don't need Redux: Use React Context + useReducer hook

Nikhil Kumaran S on September 01, 2020

I would like to amend this: don't use Redux until you have problems with vanilla React. - Dan Abramov Dan said this way back in 2016, and now th...
artydev profile image
artydev • Edited

Hello, look at the Meiosis pattern.
Search Meiosis on Dev to

leob profile image
leob • Edited

First time I hear about it:

The explanations are terse, but yes I saw this:

"Think Redux, MobX, Cerebral, React Context, etc. but without having library imports everywhere and being tied to a framework API. Instead, just plain functions and objects. All you need is a simple stream library such as Flyd or Mithril Stream"

So you don't need to have library imports ... but you do need a library ;)

artydev profile image
artydev • Edited

No :-)
All you need is two streams functions map and scan that you can implement yourself or use the simple implementation mithril-stream

And the function I use to merge states is a thirty lines of code called mergerino, which extends Object.assign.

I would not call them library, they are so tiny and very specialised

You can use whathever you want for the view (event document.innerHTML)

Here I use JQuery

Look at this for a starting pont :


code for mergerino

const assign = Object.assign || ((a, b) => (b && Object.keys(b).forEach(k => (a[k] = b[k])), a))

const run = (isArr, copy, patch) => {
  const type = typeof patch
  if (patch && type === 'object') {
    if (Array.isArray(patch)) for (const p of patch) copy = run(isArr, copy, p)
    else {
      for (const k of Object.keys(patch)) {
        const val = patch[k]
        if (typeof val === 'function') copy[k] = val(copy[k], merge)
        else if (val === undefined) isArr && !isNaN(k) ? copy.splice(k, 1) : delete copy[k]
        else if (val === null || typeof val !== 'object' || Array.isArray(val)) copy[k] = val
        else if (typeof copy[k] === 'object') copy[k] = val === copy[k] ? val : merge(copy[k], val)
        else copy[k] = run(false, {}, val)
  } else if (type === 'function') copy = patch(copy, merge)
  return copy

const merge = (source, ...patches) => {
  const isArr = Array.isArray(source)
  return run(isArr, isArr ? source.slice() : assign({}, source), patches)

export default merge

the code of mithril-stream is here from Isiah Meadows Mithril's maintener.

/* eslint-disable */
;(function() {
"use strict"
/* eslint-enable */
Stream.SKIP = {}
Stream.lift = lift
Stream.scan = scan
Stream.merge = merge
Stream.combine = combine
Stream.scanMerge = scanMerge
Stream["fantasy-land/of"] = Stream

var warnedHalt = false
Object.defineProperty(Stream, "HALT", {
    get: function() {
        warnedHalt || console.log("HALT is deprecated and has been renamed to SKIP");
        warnedHalt = true
        return Stream.SKIP

function Stream(value) {
    var dependentStreams = []
    var dependentFns = []

    function stream(v) {
        if (arguments.length && v !== Stream.SKIP) {
            value = v
            if (open(stream)) {
                stream._state = "active"
                dependentStreams.forEach(function(s, i) { s(dependentFns[i](value)) })

        return value

    stream.constructor = Stream
    stream._state = arguments.length && value !== Stream.SKIP ? "active" : "pending"
    stream._parents = []

    stream._changing = function() {
        if (open(stream)) stream._state = "changing"
        dependentStreams.forEach(function(s) {

    stream._map = function(fn, ignoreInitial) {
        var target = ignoreInitial ? Stream() : Stream(fn(value))
        return target
    } = function(fn) {
        return stream._map(fn, stream._state !== "active")

    var end
    function createEnd() {
        end = Stream() {
            if (value === true) {
                stream._parents.forEach(function (p) {p._unregisterChild(stream)})
                stream._state = "ended"
                stream._parents.length = dependentStreams.length = dependentFns.length = 0
            return value
        return end

    stream.toJSON = function() { return value != null && typeof value.toJSON === "function" ? value.toJSON() : value }

    stream["fantasy-land/map"] =
    stream["fantasy-land/ap"] = function(x) { return combine(function(s1, s2) { return s1()(s2()) }, [x, stream]) }

    stream._unregisterChild = function(child) {
        var childIndex = dependentStreams.indexOf(child)
        if (childIndex !== -1) {
            dependentStreams.splice(childIndex, 1)
            dependentFns.splice(childIndex, 1)

    Object.defineProperty(stream, "end", {
        get: function() { return end || createEnd() }

    return stream

function combine(fn, streams) {
    var ready = streams.every(function(s) {
        if (s.constructor !== Stream)
            throw new Error("Ensure that each item passed to stream.combine/stream.merge/lift is a stream")
        return s._state === "active"
    var stream = ready
        ? Stream(fn.apply(null, streams.concat([streams])))
        : Stream()

    var changed = []

    var mappers = {
        return s._map(function(value) {
            if (ready || streams.every(function(s) { return s._state !== "pending" })) {
                ready = true
                stream(fn.apply(null, streams.concat([changed])))
                changed = []
            return value
        }, true)

    var endStream = {
        if (value === true) {
            mappers.forEach(function(mapper) { mapper.end(true) })
        return undefined

    return stream

function merge(streams) {
    return combine(function() { return { return s() }) }, streams)

function scan(fn, acc, origin) {
    var stream = {
        var next = fn(acc, v)
        if (next !== Stream.SKIP) acc = next
        return next
    return stream

function scanMerge(tuples, seed) {
    var streams = { return tuple[0] })

    var stream = combine(function() {
        var changed = arguments[arguments.length - 1]
        streams.forEach(function(stream, i) {
            if (changed.indexOf(stream) > -1)
                seed = tuples[i][1](seed, stream())

        return seed
    }, streams)


    return stream

function lift() {
    var fn = arguments[0]
    var streams =, 1)
    return merge(streams).map(function(streams) {
        return fn.apply(undefined, streams)

function open(s) {
    return s._state === "pending" || s._state === "active" || s._state === "changing"

if (typeof module !== "undefined") module["exports"] = Stream
else if (typeof window.m === "function" && !("stream" in window.m)) = Stream
else window.m = {stream : Stream}

Thread Thread
leob profile image

So you need to learn how think in terms of streams and observables (I think RxJS is a famous library in this area) ... if you're not familiar with that paradigm yet then it's definitely a learning curve compared to the way you'd normally do things with Redux or Context.

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artydev profile image
artydev • Edited

Think of streams as Excel cells and you will have a good starting point.
I have written a few lines as introduction here


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artydev profile image
artydev • Edited

You absolutely don't need RxJS, as I said earlier you only need map and scan for Meiosis

Here is very simple stream implementaion with a map function :

function Stream (value) {
  let storedvalue = value
  let mappers = []
  function stream (newvalue) {
    if (arguments.length) { => f(newvalue))
      storedvalue = newvalue
    return storedvalue
  } = function (f) {
  return stream

s = Stream()

document.addEventListener("mousemove", s) => divmouse.innerHTML = (`<h2>(${t.clientX}, ${t.clientY})</h2>`)) 

You can test it here :



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leob profile image

Thanks, excellent, yes I get the idea ... I only mentioned RxJS because that's how I ever heard about streams and observables :-)

So can I put it like this: Streams provide a different approach (paradigm, if you will) to working with state in an "immutable" way?

Because that's basically what Redux and Context (and all of React, for that matter) tell us:

Do NOT modify state directly - return a new copy of your state, so treat it as 'immutable' ... streams do just that, but in a different (and probably easier or more powerful) way.

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artydev profile image
artydev • Edited


I am in favor of simplicity, If you are creating a project for your own needs, you really don't need heavy tools.

Use Meiosis with whatever view library you want or nothing eventually.

May I suggest you to use Mithril ?, simple, light and a very kind community :-)


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leob profile image

I've heard about Mithril, but I also heard that Svelte is the greatest thing since sliced bread ... can you compare those two?

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artydev profile image
artydev • Edited

Much has been said on Svelte the "javascript compiler".
I can only agree with the speed and tiny apps it produces.
But for my needs I don't see what it brings more than Mithril

Mithril is only Javascript, with Svelte you have to learn a new syntax,
and you can't start without tooling, so integrate it into existing applications is not obvious

For example I needed to extends functionality to an Editor by adding a 'photo' button
with Mithril it was a piece of cake, It would not been that easier with Svelte.


The more you use Mithril the more you know Javascript, I am not sure this is the case for all the well known frameworks

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leob profile image

Right, yes I understand that they're different philosophies, more or less the opposite ...

Mithril is something you can drop into an existing page to enhance it, Svelte is more something you use to build a complete standalone app, it doesn't easily integrate, and it introduces its own tooling and syntax (a bit comparable with Vue with its template syntax, while React takes pride in sticking closer to standard JS, at least that's what it claims).

Totally different beasts really :-)

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artydev profile image
artydev • Edited

:-) you can also build complete apps with Mithril.

Among Mithril's users Nike.

Look carefully to this page :-)

Who use Mithril


nikhilkumaran profile image
Nikhil Kumaran S

Yeah. Looks similar.

leob profile image
leob • Edited

Good explanation, but I can't help but notice how similar the code looks compared to what you would write if you use Redux - you still write reducers, actions, dispatch, etcetera ... so, I could be wrong, but at first sight we don't seem to have gained much in terms of reducing boilerplate.

The only simplification then seems to be that we can omit one or two dependencies from our package.json (but Redux doesn't add that much to the bundle size, it's a pretty small library).

Note that I'm not saying that this approach (Context) is worse than using Redux, but I also don't see immediately how it's better or simpler - the way you manage state with Context is largely the same.

Or am I missing something?

nikhilkumaran profile image
Nikhil Kumaran S

You are right. I never considered "reducing boilerplate" as a goal. I wanted to show that we can achieve redux like functionality in vanilla react itself.

leob profile image

Understood ... but look at this one - we might not need Redux, but we might even also not need Context!

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nikhilkumaran profile image
Nikhil Kumaran S

Sure will check it out✌🏽

sylvestertarnowski profile image

Really nice introduction to Context. Is there a well-established way to use asynchronous actions, similar to redux thunk?

nikhilkumaran profile image
Nikhil Kumaran S

You can declare an async function in the value prop to the Provider. Here's an example: codesandbox

P.S. Not sure if this exactly what you asked for.

sylvestertarnowski profile image

Yes, this is it. It occurred to me when I saw the example that I don't need middleware to access state - here I can simply refer to it if I need for example some intersection between fetched data and current state.

Thank you :-)

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nikhilkumaran profile image
Nikhil Kumaran S

You're welcomeπŸ‘πŸ½

leomjaques profile image
leo πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

It was! Thanks mate :)

nikhilkumaran profile image
Nikhil Kumaran S • Edited

Glad you liked it.