Hellooo everyone,
Most of the frontend developer are preparing for interviews these days. So, the questions comes first before we start preparation is from where to start.
Don't worry I am here to help you with the topics you should cover one by one.
React is one of the most popular library and have large community that makes it perfect for every company to hire developers who knows react very well. Then often look into the candidate who knows react in depth.
Before taking you to further, there is Youtube video for this.
Below is the main topics -
- useState()
- useEffect() ❗
- useRef() ❗
- useContext()
- useReducer()
- useMemo() ❗
- useCallback() ❗
✅HOC - High Order Components**
- When to use?
- How to use?
- Example?
✅Life Cycle methods of components**
- 3 phase (mounting, unmounting, updating) ❗
✅State Management**
- State/Props
- Props Drilling ❗
- Context
✅Virtual DOM**
- Reconciliation ❗
- React fibre
- Renders
- Diff Algorithm ❗
- How render works
✅Custom Hooks**
- When to use?
- Example (clean, maintainable, Reusable)
✅Lazy Loading**
- Code Splitting ❗
- Chunking
- Suspense
✅SSR vs CSR**
- Routing (RBAC - Route Based Access Control)
- Protected Routes ❗
- Query Params
- Dynamic Routing
✅Redux/Zustand (RTK)**
- Redux Toolkit (RTK)
- How to use?
- When to use?
- Why?
✅Async Tasks**
- API calls (fetch/axios)
- Events
- Promises ❗
- Lazy Loading ❗
- Asset Optimization ❗
- Bundler
- JS/CSS optimization
- CDN/ Server
- Optimized Code ❗
- Tailwind CSS
- Stylex (Facebook)
- Material UI
- Ant UI
- Reusability
- Modularity
- Testability
- Testing
- Accessibility ❗
- Security ❗
Watch more content on our Youtube channel - Frontend With Chandel
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