To fully understand this article, you should have a basic understanding of what arrays are and how they work in PHP. If you're new to arrays, watching the video below might help you grasp the concept more effectively:
What Is Array Destructuring?
Array destructuring is a way to extract elements from an array into separate variables easily. While it has been around in PHP for a while, it’s not commonly used. Let’s break it down with examples.
Destructuring Indexed/Numerical Arrays
Using the list()
Consider the following array:
$brands = ['Apple', 'Dell', 'Lenovo'];
Without destructuring, you might write:
$apple = $brands[0];
$dell = $brands[1];
$lenovo = $brands[2];
With the list()
construct, you can simplify this:
list($apple, $dell, $lenovo) = $brands;
// Alternatively, all on one line:
$brands = list($apple, $dell, $lenovo) = ['Apple', 'Dell', 'Lenovo'];
Skipping Elements
You can skip elements when destructuring:
// Extract only the last element
list(, , $lenovo) = ['Apple', 'Dell', 'Lenovo'];
While this works, it’s more practical to use loops for large arrays with many elements.
Using the Shorthand Syntax (Square Brackets)
Instead of list()
, you can use square brackets for destructuring:
$brands = [$apple, $dell, $lenovo] = ['Apple', 'Dell', 'Lenovo'];
// Skipping an element
$brands = [$apple, , $lenovo] = ['Apple', 'Dell', 'Lenovo'];
Destructuring Associative Arrays
Given an associative array:
$person = ['name' => 'Jane Doe', 'age' => 24];
Using the list()
Prior to PHP 7.1.0, list()
worked only with indexed arrays. To check your PHP version, use:
For associative arrays:
list('name' => $name) = $person;
You can also extract specific keys without considering their order:
list('age' => $age) = $person;
Using the Shorthand Syntax
Here’s how to use square brackets for associative arrays:
['age' => $age] = $person;
Destructuring Nested Arrays
For nested arrays:
$person = [
'name' => 'Jane Doe',
'contacts' => [
'email' => '',
'phone' => '234355663663'
'contacts' => [
'email' => $email
] = $person;
// echo $email;
Destructuring in Loops
You can destructure arrays directly within loops:
$people = [
['id' => '22222', 'name' => 'Jane Doe'],
['id' => '33333', 'name' => 'John Doe']
foreach ($people as ['id' => $id, 'name' => $name]) {
// echo $id . '<br />' . $name . '<br /><br />';
Destructuring in Practice
Consider a practical example with file uploads:
['name' => $n, 'type' => $t, 'size' => $s] = $_FILES['name_attr_val'];
Array destructuring simplifies code, making it more concise and readable. Whether working with indexed or associative arrays, it’s a valuable tool to include in your PHP toolbox.
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