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Cover image for Next.js Project - full amazon clone

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Next.js Project - full amazon clone

Hello everyone πŸ‘‹, this is my first post in dev community and i decided to put the my first Next.js project for give your opinion for πŸš€ improve my project.
this project use Next.js / React / Tailwindcss / Redux-ToolKit and MongoDB and looks like amazon website.

please see the my first project and give me a feedback.
and if this project helpful for you, give me a start on my github.

_ GitHub source:
__ live demo:


  • Home Page with Swiper
  • Product Page includes Sizes, Colors...
  • Add Comment with images For Product
  • Cart Page
  • Checkout Page with Coupon section
  • Order Page with Payment
  • Profile page (address, list orders, reset password,...)
  • Login/Signup User Account
  • Google / GitHub Authentication
  • Search Page
  • Browse Page (Filter By Category, Size, Color, ...)
  • Admin Dashboard (add prodcut, category, sub category,...)
  • New Features... (coming soon)


Top comments (1)

brianh profile image

Looks nice. How long did it take you to build this?