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How to Implement CRM Lead Conversion in NocoBase

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1. Introduction

This tutorial will guide you step-by-step on how to implement the CRM Opportunity Conversion feature in NocoBase. We will cover how to create the necessary collections, configure data management pages, design the conversion process, and set up association management to help you build the entire business process successfully.

2. Preparation: Creating the Required Collections

Before starting, we need to prepare the following four collections and configure the relationships between them.

2.1 LEAD Collection (Lead)

This collection is used to store potential customer information. Its field definitions are as follows:

Field Name Display Name Field Interface Description
id Id Integer Primary key
account_id account_id Integer Foreign key to ACCOUNT
contact_id contact_id Integer Foreign key to CONTACT
opportunity_id opportunity_id Integer Foreign key to OPPORTUNITY
name Lead Name Single line text Name of the potential customer
company Company Name Single line text Name of the potential customer's company
email Email Email Email address of the potential customer
phone Phone Phone Contact phone number
status Status Single select Current status of the lead (Not Qualified, New Lead, Processing, Following Up, In Transaction, Completed)
Account Company Many to one Associated to the Company Collection
Contact Contact Many to one Associated to the Contact Collection
Opportunity Opportunity Many to one Associated to the Opportunity Collection

2.2 ACCOUNT Collection (Company)

This collection is used to store detailed information about companies. Its field configuration is as follows:

Field Name Display Name Field Interface Description
name Name Single line text Account name (company or organization name)
industry Industry Single select Industry of the account
phone Phone Phone Contact phone number of the account
website Website URL Official website URL of the account

2.3 CONTACT Collection (Contact)

This collection stores contact information and includes the following fields:

Field Name Display Name Field Interface Description
name Name Single line text Name of the contact
email Email Email Email address of the contact
phone Phone Phone Phone number of the contact

2.4 OPPORTUNITY Collection (Opportunity)

This collection is used to record opportunity information. Its field definitions are as follows:

Field Name Display Name Field Interface Description
name Name Single line text Name of the opportunity
stage Stage Single select Stage of the opportunity (Qualification, Requirement, Proposal, Negotiation, Deal Closed, Successful, Failed)
amount Amount Number Amount of the opportunity
close_date Close Date Datetime Expected close date of the opportunity

3. Understanding the Opportunity Conversion Process

3.1 Overview of the Normal Conversion Process

An opportunity, when converted from a lead, generally goes through the following process:

Image description

3.2 Explanation of the Relationships

Assuming you have successfully created the above four collections and configured the mapping relationships among them:


4. Creating Data Management Pages

In the NocoBase workspace, create data management pages for each collection and add some sample lead data for subsequent testing.

Data Management Page

5. Implementing the Opportunity Conversion Function

This section focuses on explaining how to convert a lead into company, contact, and opportunity records, and ensuring that the conversion operation is not triggered repeatedly.

5.1 Create the "Conversion" Edit Operation

In the lead detail view, create an edit operation named "Conversion". In the conversion modal, configure the following:

5.1.1 Display Lead Basic Information

Display the basic information of the current lead in read-only mode to ensure that users do not accidentally modify the original data.

5.1.2 Display Associated Relationship Fields

In the modal, display the following three association fields and enable the "Quick Create" feature for each. This allows immediate creation of new data if no matching record is found.

Display Associated Fields

5.1.3 Configure the Default Mapping for Quick Create

In the "Quick Create" modal settings, configure default values for each association field so that the lead information is automatically mapped to the target collection. The mapping rules are as follows:

  • Lead/Lead Name → Company/Name
  • Lead/Email → Company/Email
  • Lead/Phone → Company/Phone
  • Lead/Lead Name → Contact/Name
  • Lead/Email → Contact/Email
  • Lead/Phone → Contact/Phone
  • Lead/Lead Name → Opportunity/Name
  • Lead/Status → Opportunity/Stage

Configuration example screenshots:

Default Mapping

Default Mapping 2

5.1.4 Viewing the Conversion Effect

After completing the configuration, when the conversion operation is executed, the system will create and associate new company, contact, and opportunity records based on the mapping rules. The effect is demonstrated below:

Image description
Next, we will add a success feedback for the submission operation:

Image description

Image description

Submission effect:

Image description

5.2 Preventing Duplicate Conversions

To avoid converting the same lead multiple times, you can control it in the following ways:

5.2.1 Update Lead Status

In the conversion form submission operation, add an automatic data update step to change the lead status to "Converted".

Configuration screenshots:

Update Status 2
Image description
Effect demonstration:

Image description

5.2.2 Set Button Linking Rules

Add linking rules to the conversion button: when the lead status is "Converted", automatically hide the conversion button to prevent duplicate operations.

Configuration screenshots:

Image description

Image description

Image description

6. Configuring the Association Management Blocks on the Detail Pages

To allow users to view associated data on the detail pages of each Collection, you need to configure the corresponding list blocks or detail blocks.

6.1 Configure the Company Collection Detail Page

In the company detail page (for example, within the contact's edit/detail modal), add the following list blocks:

  • Contact list block
  • Opportunity list block
  • Lead list block

Example screenshot:

Image description

6.2 Add Filter Conditions

For each list block, add filter rules to ensure that only data associated with the current company ID is displayed.

Configuration screenshots:

Image description

Image description

6.3 Configure the Contact and Opportunity Detail Pages

In the detail modal of the Contact Collection, add the following blocks:

  • Opportunity list block
  • Company detail block
  • Lead list block (filtered by ID)


Image description

In the Opportunity detail page, similarly add:

  • Contact list block
  • Company detail block
  • Lead list block (filtered by ID)


Image description

7. Conclusion

Through the steps above, you have successfully implemented a simple CRM opportunity conversion feature and configured the association management between contacts, companies, and leads. We hope this tutorial provides a clear, step-by-step guide to help you master the construction of the entire business process, bringing convenience and efficient operations to your project.

If you encounter any issues during the operation, feel free to visit the NocoBase community or refer to the official documentation. We hope this guide helps you successfully implement user registration auditing based on your actual needs and provides flexibility for further extensions. Wishing you smooth usage and project success!

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