Step 1
Sign into the Azure Portal
Open Azure Portal in your browser.
Log in with your Microsoft Account.
On your search box, type Virtual Machine Select the Virtual Machine from the options that appear.
Step 2
Create a Resource Group
- In the Azure portal, select Create a resource in the left-hand menu.
Step 3
Configure the Basic Settings
Select your subscription
Choose a Resource group (if needed)
Pick a Virtual Machine Name
Select a Region where the Virtual Machine will be hosted.
Step 4
Create Admin Credentials
Under the Administrator account Choose Password
Enter a username and password
Under the Inbound Port Rules allow RDP (3389)
Leave the other settings as default or modify them as per your requirements.
Step 5
Review and create
Review all configurations. If satisfied, click Review + Create, to start the deployment process.
Step 6
Connect to your Virtual Machine through RDP
Once the virtual machine is deployed, you can connect to it using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
Once it is deployed, go to the Virtual Machines blade in the Azure portal and find your VM.
Click on the "connect" button at the top of the virtual machine overview page.
In the "Connect" blade, select "RDP" as the connection method,
and when prompted, enter the username and password you provided while creating the virtual machine.
At this stage, your virtual desktop will be ready for use.
Congratulations! You have successfully created a Windows virtual machine in Azure and connected to it via RDP. You can now utilize the remote desktop session to manage and configure your VM as needed.
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