Hey builders! In this article, we will be going through the contents of a github repository that uses Docker to run a weather dashboard application. This application uses Open Weather API to fetch real-time weather data for multiple cities, and utilizes AWS s3 for secure and scalable data storage.
Python was used for scripting, AWS for cloud management.
This project underscores the principles of modern DevOps including automation, cloud efficiency and error handling.
Here's the github repository for the project, check here
Let's dive in!
- Docker. To see how to install docker, check the official documentation
Repository Structure
Here is an overview of the repository structure:
Key Files and Their Purpose:
1. web_dashboard.py
This is the main application file. It contains the WeatherDashboard class, which handles fetching weather data from the OpenWeather API and storing it to an AWS S3 bucket.
The class also includes methods for creating the S3 bucket if it doesn't exist and saving weather data to the bucket.
2. .env
This file contains environment variables required by the application, such as the OpenWeather API key and AWS credentials. It ensures sensitive information is not hard-coded into the application.
**3. Dockerfile
The Dockerfile defines the steps to build a Docker image for the application. It installs the necessary dependencies, copies the application code, and sets the command to run the application.
Setting Up the Application
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/NonsoEchendu/flask-weather-dashboard.git
Change directory
cd 30days-weather-dashboard
Create a .env file and place it in the project's root directory:
OPENWEATHER_API_KEY=your=openweather-api-key AWS_BUCKET_NAME=your-aws-bucket-name AWS_BUCKET_FOLDER_NAME=your-aws-bucket-folder-name AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your-aws-access-key-id AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your-aws-secret-access-key AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=your-aws-default-region
Build the docker image
docker build -t weather-dashboard .
Run the docker container:
docker run --env-file .env -p 5000:5000 -d --name weather-dash weather-app
-p 5000:5000
maps the container's port 5000 to your local machine's port 5000, so you can be able to view it on your web broswer
- Open
on your web browser. You should have something like this when you search for a city:
By using docker to deploy this application, we are implementing core devops principles: containerization, automation. So instead of installing each of those tools locally, with just 2 commands we get our application running.
Future growth for this project will be seting up CI/CD pipeline for automation.
Happy building and Collaborating!
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