
Cover image for Understanding Git through images

Understanding Git through images

kataoka_nopeNoshishi on January 05, 2023

Hello Dev community! I am a newbie, still a few months into my career as a developer in Japan. I was inspired by Nico Riedmann's Learn g...
alecandido profile image
Alessandro Candido

Notice that, as you say in the beginning, Git is a distributed VCS, and not a centralized one.

So, there is no concept of a single remote repo, but instead you have a single local repo (the one you're working in), and many remotes, and they are all the same, from Git perspective.

So, you can have a remote on GitHub, one on GitLab, one on your own desktop at home, and one on your colleague's computer, and for as long as they are reachable you can push on, and pull from, any of them.

True that often there is a single instance on an hosted server, and everyone connects to that one, but this is not a Git concept, just a standard practice.

nopenoshishi profile image

Thanks for the comment!
As you point out, with Git, remote repository servers can be created without having to rely on a hosting service like github.
Official website

I wrote this article this way because I wanted to emphasize my point about managing versions in a distributed manner.
Thanks for the very great feedback!!!

olsard profile image

Thanks for your great work, with lots of handwritten examples!

bibisixtynine profile image

Great Post ! Thanks ! Just one small remark, the animated gif are hard to follow on ios safari, because the frame rate is rather high for my slow brain, and the pause button... rewind the gif to the begining.

terenze profile image

Thank you Kataoka. This is such a valuable piece of work that unpacks Git for those that are new to it and brings a fresh perspective to its understanding. Agree that just learning a set of commands doesn’t help you fully appreciate the power of Git. Good luck with you own version.

vuross profile image
Uross Veljic

One who didn't understand shall be enlightened with an article like Yours. Congratulations 👏

smooth_criminal profile image
Mohamed Osama

Thanks for your effort!

mengtongun profile image

Good for newer 👍

msh0leh profile image
Muhamad Sholeh


elie77350 profile image

Very very very GREAT explanation ! For the first time since many months I've just got it !
Your are a very good Pedagogue !

aranouski profile image
Artsiom B

Great style of tutorial, and attractive by reading.

sanketkothiya2 profile image

thanks its really fruitful for every developer

petergloor profile image
Peter Gloor

Great article! Great as a tutorial but also for later reference. Thank you for sharing.

cr8vedeveloper profile image
cr8ve Developer

I think this is a very good article for developers, including myself.

ev_daso profile image
Evans Daso

Thanks kataoka

r2d22 profile image

Kataoka many thanks for the post and hard working with making clear vision on how to use GIT.
I'm still googling for some commands )) but your post opens many doors.
I found some confused information in your post. Please fix inconsistance in the comand.
You are talking about 3 commands but your post contains just 2.

I won't go into the details of the commands, but here are three that I use frequently.
git diff --stage to see the changes from the original working directory before you add....