DEV Community

Nour Abdou
Nour Abdou

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How to implement CRUD Concept in daily life?

One way to stay productive is to cultivate the mindset that makes the best use of your resources, your time, your energy, your efforts and connecting your knowledge.

CRUD refers to the four basic operations a software application should be able to perform – Create, Read, Update, and Delete; create data, have access to the data in the UI by reading the data, update or edit the data, and delete the data. CRUD apps consist of 3 parts: an API, a database, and a user interface (UI).

Assume that the data is your ideas or tasks, with crud:

  • Create (a task/idea)
  • Read (view/read the task/idea)
  • Update (the task/idea)
  • Delete (delete the task/idea)

Create (a task/idea)

write down your thought as it pop up to the UI (your mind): a topic to think about deeply, projects ideas, business ideas, monthly/yearly goals or references to a specific to-do list, job applications, useful links, and so on.

Use a notebook for quick ideas/tasks or the Quick Notes on your Mac, that's designed to be a quicker way to jot down things on your Mac without having to go in and out of the main Notes app (keep it in local storage until you call the api to create on database later).

In order to have everything stored and reachable easily (DB), use Notion, ClickUp or any other tool you prefer and use a suitable template which makes it a lot easier to store and sort everything.

Read (view/read the task/idea)

categories your notes to tasks, business idea, projects, to-dos, and so on. So you can review your notes weekly. Or schedule a session to review your ideas in deep.

Update (the task/idea)

During your review sessions, you may change priorities if needed, or add description or a link to a note or a thought.
or even change note category, like from business idea to a to-do list 😍.

Delete (delete the task/idea)

After thinking deeply in a though or doing research on a business idea, you may find it worthless!
So here delete it permanently or just archive it into the forgotten land.

Simple, right? 😌

So Here we go, a productive mindset inspired by CRUD operations which are so fundamental in our tech world.

Thanks for reading πŸ˜ƒ

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