Lately, I created an HTML form where the results are sent to a Google spreadsheet. I used it for analytics purposes, but it's useful even just for ...
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Hi Omer - Came across this post trying to get my html form to write to the Google Sheet using another method initially. With your instructions, I finally got it working, so thank you! I did have one question - were you able to turn on notifications for this sheet? I've gone to Tools > Notification rules and haven't had any luck.
Happy the article helped!
Unfortunately, I haven't tried to turn the notifications on, but it seems YouTube is full of tutorials covering it :)
Hi Omer. Your script works very well and I am grateful to you!
I now have an issue: on submitting data from my HTML form to the sheet, how can I get a Redirect, so the user is sent to a Success or Error page?
Many thanks!
Hi there mauroian, glad it helped!
About the redirecting part: How do you decide whether the user is being sent to the success/error page? Is it based on whether the form was sent successfully to the spreadsheet, by one of the form's fields or by another criterion?
All I need is that the form was sent successfully to the spreadsheet. In which case, I'd like the user to be redirected to a success page :)
Try to find this line on the current code:
And try to replace it with (You can pick either one of the options with comments, no need for both of them):
Same goes for the error part, it should do the trick.
Done that. Now nothing gets submitted to the spreadsheet (and no redirect or anything else happens).
By the way, I think this might be important: in the original code, which was working, when I successfully submitted data to the spreadsheet, my HTML page did not change at all. It continued to show the input fields and submit button.
Basically, the line:
.then(response => console.log('Success!', response))
did nothing, as no 'Success!' message was shown in my page.
So, the issue could be in how/what the google script sends as response, or in the original code in index.html itself.
I am stuck at the moment... would be so happy if this worked!
It wasn't meant to do anything else besides sending to the spreadsheet.
In the following line:
Everything between the { .... } will happen after the form is being submitted and you can modify it as much as you want, anything that happens there is up to your limits and not really relevant to this article or this mechanism :)
This whole article was only about the "sending-to-spreadsheet" part and nothing else, this is why nothing is happening other than that.
It already feels more of a tech support session than an easy js fix so just feel free to ping me wherever you'd like through one of the contact channels in my profile. The redirecting part is pure JS and can be found online but I'll try to help you out.
can you please tell me where have you added index.html file, on appscript or your on vs code???
Not sure why I'm getting a 400 error? Just for context I'm using vue-form-wizard within a vue.js web app, the following code is in a method i can onComplete of the multi-step form.
UPDATE 4/14/2020 I realized I had to go back and re run the function
"Now, go to Run > Run Function > initialSetup to run this function."
Thank you! hope anyone else who runs into this tries this first
Hello Omer! I'm migrating another script with this same use scenario, from JQuery.ajax to Fetch. After searching in the web, found this page and tried it.
I keep getting Success!, 200 response, but no data is actually inserted in me G-Sheet. Been through the issues in the original GitHub and many are saying the same. Did you actually make this work?
Hi Nicolas!
It was actually the only way that worked for me successfully.
Haven’t tried it with jQuery, but since you’ve managed to get a “success” message - did you check the table itself? The columns’ headlines should be identical (they’re case-sensitive) to the name attributes of the form’s inputs.
Anyway, feel free to contact me and send a message via the social networks (or the form in my website) that are in my profile and I’ll try to troubleshoot it with you :)
the url can be my form file in the codepen file as well?
Which URL/codepen are you referring to?
I have this above form file is it possible to deploy this form to google online>?
I think it might work, but I haven't tried it myself so you better try and let us all know :)
Hi Omer,
I follow your tutorial and it works really great. Thank you. Unfortunately, when i tested it on IE 11. It is returning an error on the ES6 code even if i added the polyfill cdn.
Can you please tell me where did it go wrong?
Here's my JS code:
Thanks for the feedback!
Regarding the ES6 errors, try to check the code on:
It should tell you where are the errors and how to fix them.
hi Omer,
recently i was trying the script you mention above when i tried to add tigger its asking Select event source i have only three option 1) From Spreadsheet 2) Time Driven and 3) from calender what to choose 1 tried From spreadsheet but its not working i have used you code in armorn.com you can check index.html Source code please help its really urgent
Thanks in advance
I was suprised how no-one got this doGet() not found error.
I know on many Youtubers have provided the same code, they run script and it worked for them, don't know how and data was put in spreadsheet as well.
Can't i upload more than one image??
Hi Omer. I get error TypeError: Cannot read property 'getId' of null
Please tell me what is causing this error. Thnks!
I solved it with ChatGPT. Replace the beginning code to:
var sheetId = 'YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID'; // Replace 'YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID' with the actual ID of your Google Sheet
var sheetName = 'Sheet1'; // Replace 'Sheet1' with the name of your sheet if it's different
function doPost(e) {
var lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
try {
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.openById(sheetId); // Open the spreadsheet by ID
var sheet = doc.getSheetByName(sheetName);
So the difference here is that you're putting the exact Google Sheet's ID
Same! Did you solve it?
Hi Omer! Thank you so much for this post. As a high schooler, your tutorial is much easier to follow than others.
I am sending data from a js file (without an HTML form) to my google sheet and I do get a "Success! {}" message in the console and the timestamp updates, but the rest of the columns on my sheet never update with data. I have checked to make sure my column headers and code match up and are case sensitive.
My code on Google Apps Script is the exact same as yours, and this is how I am sending data from my js file:
Could you please help me out?
Solved it! This link explains the solution: github.com/jamiewilson/form-to-goo...
But, one small change from the link above is not putting quotes in FormData() because it signifies a string, and the workaround should be to create a null HTML Form element.
So use:
var sendingData = new FormData()
Instead of:
var sendingData = new FormData('')
Solution code for js file:
Hi Omer, I follow the steps I getting email message on this line --> form.addEventListener('submit', e => { saying that TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of undefined I just copy what you told me.
It is possible to change error message if email is not enter correctly ? I need to translate in french !
It is possible to have a "Thank You" message after submiting ?
Both are possible with JavaScript and have nothing to do with this mechanism.
Just create a hidden p/div tag and whenever the user click on the relevant button, make that tag appear with the relevant text.
Oh !! I think my knowledge is not high enough to understand !! I will try !
If you can give some more information, I learn very fast !!! Thank you !
Merci beaucoup , cette solution a marchee pour moi . Je l ai juste suivie a la lettre
This looks like a straight rip-off of github.com/jamiewilson/form-to-goo...? Almost verbatim.
It is, never claimed otherwise:
Just found that solution and decided to share it since it wasn’t the first thing popped while looking for it.
Nice, thanks for sharing
It's true, FabForm looks like a great solution. (someone mentioned it as well last December: dev.to/fabform/comment/1kha4 )
The thing is I wrote this article two years ago, on January 2020. I looked for this kind of a solution for 7 (!!!) pages on google :)
Couldn't find any other solution than this one that was suggested by Jamie Wilson . If other, easier solutions came to the market since then - I'm truly happy because finding and implement this solution was a bit of a mess. [You can see it by the amount of tech support I had to give here in the comments section :) ]
Hey Omer, this is a cool way of doing this. I actually just built a free service that does this without any need for Javascript code.
I'd love to hear what you think: sheetmonkey.io/
What if I just want to push certain inputs not all?
What about security? anybody can be a fishing attack on spreadhseet. I can send tons of request by fetch method to overflow the spreadhseet. Is there any solution for this security threate?
Bro can you run 2 scripts at the same time? 2nd script will be used for Sheet2
I haven't tried it, but it might work. Have you tried to copy the "doPost" function and change the sheet name? Just remember to do everything on the same spreadsheet.
I have this error saying
Google hasn't verified this app
The app is requesting access to sensitive info in your Google Account
Hi Omer.
Great job.
I have a task to stack data on different sheets. Could you please tell me how to modify the script to pass the sheetName value from the site?
You commented the same thing on Dec 17 '21 and on March 26.
How is this helpful? :)
Hi Omer
Nice work
I have the task of stacking data on different sheets. Could you please tell me how to modify the script to pass the "sheetName" value from the site?