DEV Community

Orhan Özkerçin
Orhan Özkerçin

Posted on

How to move on?

Hello everybody,
I am very new in this community, also it's my first community. I'm very new in web programming either but I'm really hardworking about that. Nowadays I'm moving on ES6 basics and learning them. I'm studying more than a month. Of course I did not do lots of practice with Js but I have some experience with programming before not too much, just basic stuff. What should I do now should I stick with vanilla Js or should I start to learn a framework?

Top comments (6)

hohnzy profile image
Jan Dvorak

I would stay with vanilla js and been practicing more than learning. Its much easier to learn framework when you have really solid js knowledge. You should know why you need a framework. Also the interviews are often about js, not framework specific...

orhanozkercin profile image
Orhan Özkerçin

Hello, thank you for your advise. On the other hand when should I understand that the time I can move on with something else. Because it's never ending.

hohnzy profile image
Jan Dvorak

Maybe never. You should learn a framework when you need it. You will know when if you will practice a lot. Give vanilla js at least few months.
I would say that the most important thing is writing code. Just reading/watching will give you false confidence that you know, however when you start something own, you will find out that you are looking at empty main.js in editor and wondering what to do.

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orhanozkercin profile image
Orhan Özkerçin

Thank you very much for your opinions.

knighthok profile image

I think you should learn both vanilla JS and a framework. Idk if you're learning a framework for web dev, but I would learn both so that your knowledge is not only tied to the syntax/features of a framework. Idk if that makes sense.

orhanozkercin profile image
Orhan Özkerçin

Thank you for your advise.