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Martín Mato
Martín Mato

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Sorting your imports correctly in React

While I am preparing my next article, I wanted to share with you this short post with an excellent configuration for your React or React Native apps.

Sorting your imports in a JS file has a lot of benefits. First at all makes it easier to see what you imported from specific packages, also if you group them, you can easily distinguish which imports are from third party packages or local imports.

It is annoying doing all the sorting manually, also, if you are someone who makes abusive use of the VS Code sort-imports like me, then when sharing your code, it is incompatible with the config of other developers. Here is where ESLint can help us.

ESLint to the rescue!.

As we know, ESLint is the most popular linter for javascript. I don't remember not using it in any of my react projects because it is handy to define a set of styling rules to make the code clear and consistent.

ESLint comes with an in-built import sorting rules that even they have beneficial properties, it doesn't fit what I need. So, I use eslint-plugin-import.

eslint-plugin-import is a plugin that extends the ESLint import rules. It doesn't have properties only to organize and to sort; also, it helps to prevent having issues like misspelling file path or packages names, among other things.

My settings

So, you can install the eslint-plugin-import library in your dev dependencies, add in the plugin array in your ESLint config file and start to use it.

One of the things I want to ensure in my react code is that the first import is the React package, just to follow the standard convention. Then, I want to group them separately, first all the third-party packages, and then all the local files.

So my rule is the next one:

"import/order": [
        "groups": ["builtin", "external", "internal"],
        "pathGroups": [
            "pattern": "react",
            "group": "external",
            "position": "before"
        "pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes": ["react"],
        "newlines-between": "always",
        "alphabetize": {
          "order": "asc",
          "caseInsensitive": true
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  • The groups sets the order intended for every group.
  • pathGroups can group by path set by a pattern. In this case, I want to look for react import to be before any other import.
  • pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes defines import types. "React" will be handled as other type so it can be separated for the other external packages.
  • newlines-between separates each group with a new line in between.
  • alphabetize sort the order in which group will be sorted. I choose in ascending way and case sensitive.

Once you run ESLint your import statements in the code should look like this:

import React from 'react';

import { PropTypes } from 'prop-types';
import styled from 'styled-components/native';

import ErrorImg from '../../assets/images/error.png';
import colors from '../../styles/colors';
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I hope this post can be helpful to someone.
Please feel free to make any suggestions or questions in the comment section.

Thanks for reading.

Top comments (24)

aamnahakram profile image
Aamnah Akram • Edited

Thanks for this. My config is pretty much the same as yours except for groups

"groups": [ "builtin", "external", "internal", ["parent", "sibling"] ],
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This gives me one more group of import statements for all files that are imports from ../ and ./ files

otamnitram profile image
Martín Mato

Yes, that's great. Thanks!

masbossun profile image
Ryan Setiagi

Thanks for the config, I figured it out how to group react and react-native import first with this pattern

"pathGroups": [
            "pattern": "react+(|-native)",
            "group": "external",
            "position": "before"
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nermin99 profile image
Nermin Skenderovic

How do I also include "expo" in that pattern?

aamnahakram profile image
Aamnah Akram

excellent. now i only need to figure out how to write that in YAML..

gustaffweldon profile image
Good stuff and well done!

import/order works great until it hits code like:

import { b, c, a } from 'sth';

It will simply ignore { b, c, a } sorting. I have tried coupling it with sort-import but they are conflicting.

So, in the end, I will probably resort to simple-import-sort which does both, grouping and sorting in groups as well as import members.

aamirafridi profile image
Aamir Afridi

Thanks for pointing to eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort simple to configure and worked great for me.

itscosmas profile image
Cosmas Gikunju

I have been doing this manually😅. I feel stupid but now I'm not

otamnitram profile image
Martín Mato

Glad it was helpful!.

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis • Edited

I really like the ESLint approach. FWIW, I recently wrote an article extolling the benefits of sorting your code in many other areas of the application as well:

duasfh profile image
Pavel Shamparov

Does anyone experiences wrong regex behaviour with groupPath pattern?

otamnitram profile image
Martín Mato

Can you specify your problem?

squarewave24 profile image

this is great although not sure how strict the alphabetic sort is. seems to be a little spotty

i wonder if this plugin also support non default imports (i.e. { a, b, c } from "x")

taehyunhwang profile image
Taehyun Hwang • Edited

Thank you for your effort!
I have searched this formatting option after reading your post and i have a wonder for option "pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes".
I read many times your post and ( but i don't understand.
What kind of situations should I use this for?
Could you please explain in more detail?

Thank you!

kanahan profile image

After several tries and error. my guess is that those import types included in "pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes" (default: ["builtin", "external"]) won't be working on "pathGroups" configuration. So by default, the pathGroups won't be working in "builtin" and "external".
Basically he overwritten the default value of pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes to "react" , which is none of the valid import type. Therefore, "pathGroups" will work on all import types in this case.

aashutoshrathi profile image
Aashutosh Rathi

You simply saved my day!

abdelrahmanahmed profile image

And i thought i am alone by doing this, thanks for your contribution 🙌

hoangleitvn profile image
Hoang Le

This is awesome.

How about if we use for Angular? Btw have you been able to use any ext that can auto reorder imports based on the eslint rule?

otamnitram profile image
Martín Mato

To use for Angular, I think you should use a tool like typescript-eslint for ESLint support Typescript and then use the plugin as I mentioned in the article. In theory, this should work, but I didn't try myself.

Regarding extensions to help you auto-reorder, you have the ESLint extension. With the help of setting editor.formatOnPaste": true and editor.formatOnSave": true on the VS Code settings you should be able to sort automatically on save and paste using the ESLint rule.

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Sweet~ I didn't know that you could enforce import rules with ESLint!

Thanks for sharing, Martín

ed3899 profile image
Eduardo Casanova


rohil_cris profile image

This is so nice!! thank you for sharing

basicpixel profile image
O. AlQudah

This makes me wonder how much time I wasted sorting imports manually...