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Fred Feng
Fred Feng

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Introduction to Greenfinger - High Performance Distributed Web Crawler Framework

GreenFinger is a high-performance, highly scalable distributed web crawler built in Java. Designed for both enterprise and individual users, it offers an intuitive user interface and minimal configuration, enabling seamless and efficient web resource extraction. As an open-source solution, GreenFinger provides a powerful yet user-friendly approach to large-scale web crawling and data acquisition.


  1. Seamless Spring Boot Integration
    Natively integrates with Spring Boot, ensuring effortless configuration, deployment, and maintenance.

  2. Scalable, High-Throughput Distributed Crawling
    Architected for distributed environments, enabling seamless horizontal scaling to handle massive workloads efficiently.

  3. Optimized Network Communication with Netty
    Leverages Netty for ultra-low-latency networking, with additional support for Mina and Grizzly for flexible communication strategies.

  4. Enterprise-Grade URL Deduplication
    Implements billion-scale deduplication using Bloom Filter and RocksDB, ensuring optimal storage efficiency and crawl accuracy.

  5. Granular URL Customization
    Supports fine-grained control over URL selection, allowing users to define initial URLs, retain only relevant URLs, and exclude undesired links dynamically.

  6. Advanced Fault Tolerance & Crawler Constraints
    Incorporates intelligent retry mechanisms, configurable timeouts, target URL limits, and maximum crawl depth enforcement for robust error handling.

  7. Multi-Engine Web Content Extraction
    Integrates Playwright, Selenium, and HtmlUnit to capture and process dynamic web content efficiently.

  8. Strict Adherence to Robots.txt
    Fully complies with the Robots Exclusion Protocol, ensuring ethical and responsible web crawling.

  9. Comprehensive Developer API
    Exposes a rich set of APIs, enabling seamless customization, extension, and integration into diverse ecosystems.

  10. Automated Authentication Handling
    Supports intelligent login and logout workflows, facilitating seamless authentication across secured web portals.

  11. Version-Controlled Web Document Management
    Assigns unique versioning to crawled documents, enabling multi-version indexing for enhanced content tracking and retrieval.

  12. Intuitive Angular-Based Web Interface
    Provides a modern, interactive dashboard built with Angular, empowering users with real-time monitoring, configuration, and management capabilities.

πŸš€ Technology Stack

Technology Version Requirement Description
β˜• JDK 17 or later Core Java runtime environment
🌱 Spring Boot 2.7.18 Backend framework for microservices and rapid development
⚑ Netty 4.x High-performance asynchronous networking framework
πŸ”₯ Redis 7.x or later In-memory data store for caching and message queuing
🐘 PostgreSQL 9.x or later High-performance, open-source relational database
πŸ” ElasticSearch 7.16.2 or later Distributed search and analytics engine
πŸ•· Selenium 4.x Web automation framework for headless and UI-based scraping
🎭 Playwright 1.48 Modern browser automation tool for scraping and testing
πŸ“„ HtmlUnit 2.6 Lightweight headless browser for quick HTML processing
🌐 Angular 19.x Frontend framework for building interactive web applications
🎨 Angular Material Latest UI component library for modern, responsive designs


πŸ“‚ **greenfinger**  
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ **greenfinger-ui**  
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“œ pom.xml  
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ src  
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ config  # Configuration files  
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ db      # Database-related scripts and configurations  
β”‚   β”‚   └── ...  
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ **greenfinger-spring-boot-starter**  
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“œ pom.xml  
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ src  
β”‚   └── ...  
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“œ LICENSE  
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“œ pom.xml  
└── πŸ“œ  

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  1. Modify configuration:
    database: 0
    port: 6379
    password: 123456
      connection-timeout: 10000
      read-timeout: 60000
    driver-class-name: org.postgresql.Driver
    url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test?characterEncoding=utf8&allowMultiQueries=true&useSSL=false&stringtype=unspecified
    username: admin
    password: 123456
# Binding host name is preferred
# Internal Work ThreadPool Threads      
  workThreads: 1000

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  1. Create database and import table scripts execute db/crawler.sql
  2. mvn clean install
  3. run jar with java --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -jar greenfinger-ui-service-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar

  4. Open the Web UI


Greenfinger UI Guide

Catalog Management


Create a catalog


Edit a catalog


πŸ“Œ Parameters
Parameter Description
ID Unique identifier for the catalog entry.
Name The name of the catalog item.
URL The target website to be crawled.
Category User-defined category for classification.
Start URL The initial entry point for crawling.
Included Path Pattern Defines URL patterns to be included in the crawl.
Excluded Path Pattern Defines URL patterns to be excluded from crawling.
Page Encoding Character encoding of the webpage (e.g., UTF-8).
Max Fetch Size The maximum number of URLs to fetch in a single crawl session.
Fetch Duration The total duration (in seconds) the crawl process should run.
Fetch Depth Defines how deep the crawler should go (-1 means unlimited depth).
Fetch Interval Time interval (in milliseconds) between consecutive requests.
Counting Type Determines how crawled data is counted:
- Total Fetched Count (all requests made)
- Filtered Count (URLs removed by filters)
- Failed Count (requests that failed)
- Saved Resource Count (stored data)
- Indexed Count (successfully indexed pages)
- Duplicate Count (repeated entries detected)
Max Retry Count The number of times a failed request will be retried.
URL Path Filter Duplicate URL filtering mechanism:
- Redis BloomFilter (efficient large-scale deduplication)
- RocksDB (persistent local storage-based deduplication)
HTML Extractor Webpage extraction engine:
- Playwright (modern headless browser automation)
- Selenium (full-browser-based interaction)
- HtmlUnit (lightweight Java-based HTML parsing)
URL Path Acceptor Defines custom URL patterns to be accepted during crawling.
Credential Handler Custom Login Handler (full class name) for handling authentication logic.
Indexed Checkbox Determines whether the crawled data should be indexed (Checked = Yes).
Last Modified Timestamp of the last modification.
Save Button Confirms and saves the catalog settings.
Cancel Button Discards changes and exits the editor.

Run web crawler


Icon Action Description
🧹 Clean Remove unnecessary or outdated data to free up space.
🌐 Crawl Start a new crawling session to gather updated data.
πŸ›  Rebuild Restart the crawler to reprocess and fetch data again.
πŸ“„ Summary View a high-level summary of the crawling results and statistics.
❌ Interrupt Stop an ongoing crawling session immediately.
πŸ”„ Sync Synchronize data with external sources or distributed nodes.
πŸš€ Upgrade Perform system upgrades, applying new features or patches.





Customize your application

Application Integration

Step1: add dependency in your pom.xml:

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Step2: add @EnableGreenFingerServer on the main:

@EnableAsync(proxyTargetClass = true)
public class GreenFingerServerConsoleMain {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
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Step3: Run it

Extensible points:

Interface Description
ResourceIndexManager Manages indexing operations for crawled resources, ensuring efficient storage, retrieval, and versioning of indexed data.
ResourceManager Handles the lifecycle of crawled URLs, including storage, deduplication, and scheduling for further processing.
ExistingUrlPathFilter Implements a URL deduplication mechanism to prevent redundant crawling of previously processed URLs.
GlobalStateManager Maintains and synchronizes the global state of the crawler across distributed nodes, ensuring coordinated execution.
InterruptionChecker Monitors execution status and provides mechanisms to gracefully interrupt crawling operations when necessary.
UrlPathAcceptor Defines a custom business logic filter for URL acceptance, allowing precise control over which URLs are processed.
ExtractorCredentialHandler Provides a pluggable authentication handler to automate login flows for accessing restricted content.
Extractor Defines the component responsible for extracting page content, supporting multiple implementations such as Playwright, Selenium, and HtmlUnit.

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